Star Trek: Into Darkness


Let's fuck some shit up
Here's the trailer. Fresh off the presses of the BWWWWRRRRRRRRMMMMMMM trailer cookie cutter machine.



Keeper of the Nether Eye
It seems like the entire trailer focused on the affects of gravity and the casts attempt to see who can fall the longest


Let's fuck some shit up
BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! ... and BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! another... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! trailer... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! to... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! test... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! your... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! computer... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! speakers'... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!! bass... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!!





Let's fuck some shit up
It appears that Paramount nuked that first trailer... so, here's a repost with Japanese subltitles... BWRRRRRRMMMMM!!!!


Farry Lynt

I'm high
So this is where the Trekkie clowns hang out!
I am sure it is safe to assume that your keyboards are filmed over with potato chip greese
and pelted with cookie crumbs.


Let's fuck some shit up
Yes, it's where the trekkies, the galactica-ites, and the nerds do their thing.

I am going to ask you nicely to please refrain from making troll posts in the on-topic forums. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that since you're new, you don't know we keep that shit in Speak Freely or the Badlands. From now on, if you want to make posts like that, I suggest you do so in either of those places.


I honestly thought the trailer was a parody at first. Guess I'm a fair bit behind on trailer fads.

I am going to ask you nicely to please refrain from making troll posts in the on-topic forums. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that since you're new, you don't know we keep that shit in Speak Freely or the Badlands. From now on, if you want to make posts like that, I suggest you do so in either of those places.
Fuck off. Go admin some carebear forum that's more to your liking.

Farry Lynt said:
So this is where the Trekkie clowns hang out!
I am sure it is safe to assume that your keyboards are filmed over with potato chip greese
and pelted with cookie crumbs.
Oldschool trekkies. This mass appeal, dumbed down sci-fi action horseshit isn't Star Trek.


I want to smell dark matter
You got the name wrong. There's no colon.


Let's fuck some shit up
^you're right. That's really odd. Normally, in the movie naming scheme involving sequels there's a colon between the genre title and the actual title.

wtf is with that?


Forever Empress E
All I know is I saw the trailer at the theater tonight and was instantly filled with overwhelming glee. There will be no Mayan apocalypse or any other sort of apocalypse anytime soon because there are some very promising movies to be seen next year.