Star Wars In Concert : Question for Gonad


I love you
October 13
Key Arena Seattle Center
Live Symphony Orchestra

Gonad would you like to go with me? Is this something your signifiacant other is already going to?
It is playing down here in the SF Bay Area too. I wonder of George Lucas will go. It is only playing 2 hours from his house. He lives right near me. I know exactly where his house is. You should be envious!!
It is playing down here in the SF Bay Area too. I wonder of George Lucas will go. It is only playing 2 hours from his house. He lives right near me. I know exactly where his house is. You should be envious!!

I've met Bill Gates. Prostrate thyself and pay homage, knave.
It is playing down here in the SF Bay Area too. I wonder of George Lucas will go. It is only playing 2 hours from his house. He lives right near me. I know exactly where his house is. You should be envious!!

He has his own studio, he doesn't need to attend this event. Brag no more. I don't care who you live next to or near.