Mentalist Administrator Staff member Jun 11, 2006 #1 Whenever shit is going bad he can call a press conference and show huge bill board images of some huge titted woman slipping on a bannana. America needs a President like Starguard. Starguard 2008
Whenever shit is going bad he can call a press conference and show huge bill board images of some huge titted woman slipping on a bannana. America needs a President like Starguard. Starguard 2008
starguard Unluckiest Charm in the Box Jun 11, 2006 #2 This thread sir, has earned my official badge of approval
Reverend Phelps New member Jun 11, 2006 #3 I was thinking I may run for president in 2008. I can promise you a better nation if I am elected. God will love America if I become President.
I was thinking I may run for president in 2008. I can promise you a better nation if I am elected. God will love America if I become President.
starguard Unluckiest Charm in the Box Jun 11, 2006 #4 Don't believe him TKr's. He will lead this nation into the Valley of Death
Reverend Phelps New member Jun 11, 2006 #5 The only way America can be saved from damnation is to take my teachings and implement them. I am just a messenger.
The only way America can be saved from damnation is to take my teachings and implement them. I am just a messenger.