whisky Boobie inspector Sep 22, 2006 #1 http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/LOTDETAIL.ASP?sid=&intObjectID=4779780
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 22, 2006 #3 I would imagine they would probably get more if they were, but I assume all the clothes are washed
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 22, 2006 #5 If you look through all the lots, you can also buy Daniel Dae Kims maco outfit
Big Dick McGee If you don't know, now ya know Sep 22, 2006 #6 I'd make love to it every day for two weeks then forget about it.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Sep 22, 2006 #8 MAYBE DAE KIM'S OUTFIT HAS THE SECRET OF LOST WRITTEN ON THE INSIDE!?
Big Dick McGee If you don't know, now ya know Sep 22, 2006 #10 I TOLD you the secret of Lost, canucklehead!
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 22, 2006 #11 Thats not the real secret, thats the pretend secret to throw you off the scent of the real secret
Big Dick McGee If you don't know, now ya know Sep 22, 2006 #12 I like Linda Park's "scent" if you know what I mean!
Big Dick McGee If you don't know, now ya know Sep 22, 2006 #16 Don't play with my emotions like that! Season 3 hasn't even started yet!
whisky Boobie inspector Sep 22, 2006 #17 All 5 seasons are already sketched out enough to know that theres a big part for a daughter, or grandaughter of Hanzo needed for season 4.
All 5 seasons are already sketched out enough to know that theres a big part for a daughter, or grandaughter of Hanzo needed for season 4.
Big Dick McGee If you don't know, now ya know Sep 22, 2006 #18 It's Hanso, and he's dutch not chinkie.