88DRUNKSANGEL88, Spot On! And Thank You! We're trying to keep Terri away from this most heinous tape. But, should she happen to see it, yours is the first comment that I shall point out to her. I know she would be most appreciative of your candor and kindness. Sincerely, Angel.
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poohpusher (2 hours ago)
Has it occurred to anyone that if NO ONE clicked onto here, and ranted that maybe just maybe it would go away?
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poohpusher (2 hours ago)
Steve is laughing himself silly over this video!
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poohpusher (2 hours ago)
Steve is laughing himself silly over this video!
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provrorsbarn (2 hours ago)
funny stuff
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cowiness (1 hour ago)
But steve said he would want his footage of his death aired, and besides if i were him and i died like that doing what i love, this is actually pretty funny.
All im saying is if i were in his position this is funny. But to other people its disrespectful because they're still mourning
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Number016 (1 hour ago)
you guys are big pussies for getting offended. he was asking for it to sting him, he shouldnt of been out there in the first place. that bastard fucked with dangerous animals for years, he was lucky to have lived that long. i have no sympathy for someone that does this and had a family to look after? and how could you feel sorry for a man that dangled his baby in front of a crocodile? you people are idiots.
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Davidport (46 minutes ago)
Possibly the funniest video about Irwin's death yet. And there have been some good ones.
Chill out guys. Nothing is more important that good comedy. When we lose our sense of humour, we get offended over silly crap like this. get over it. Life's too short.
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Xear (38 minutes ago)
Great to see someone can spell and think of intelligent responses in debates like "dude fuck u" at least you can spell 'fuck'. Here have a gold star.
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superscott78 (33 minutes ago)
Lmao this video rox