Troll Kingdom

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I love you
Talking about all of these things you are going to do, and do them. Then tell us when you did them. Or not at all. Just leave.
You sound like those stupid old men that sit on the bar stools all week long talking about what they will be doing in the future to make themselves feel better about what they are not doing now.
In fact, I find this situation quite embarresing. You are like the retarded child that no one talks about. The big family secret. The white elephant in the living room. If we don't talk about it, look at it or mention it, its not really there.
And your response to me, to us could be "Ha! Look at that I trolled TK!" Wow! Give me a medal! But there is no medal to give. Only a spot for you in Daycare. Daycare. Who is your master Jillian? Who do you bow down to? Who makes you get on your knees and beg for forgiveness? Whose ass do you kiss to get you by in life? Or do you get by on your own good looks and charm?
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
Nope.............I'm not going away. I am your worst nightmare so keep coming down here so I can troll you.


You are not my worst nightmare.
I will keep coming down here.
You are not trolling me. is something to behold.
You are a thread killer.
But you are not an unraveler of truth, that is for sure.
All of your findings are based upon assumptions and conspiracy.
They are not based in hard cold facts.
P.S. How can you be a thread killer when you are the only one posting down here for the most part?! LOL How does that work?
Look at all the threads in DayCare. Who ends the threads? shall I dumb it down for you some more Mirah?

You are about as smart as some of the Stepford women I have been dealing with the last 3 years.
Mirah said:
You are a thread killer.
But you are not an unraveler of truth, that is for sure.
All of your findings are based upon assumptions and conspiracy.
They are not based in hard cold facts.

Thats right what does that say for those of you who have believed anything I have posted?? This is just an elaborate troll, don't read any more into it.
Mirah said:
All of your findings are based upon assumptions and conspiracy.
They are not based in hard cold facts.

Who needs hard cold facts when you can base everything on assumptios and conspiracy?? What fun would it all be?
Besides.............if I had cold hard facts, do you think I would post them on a message board?? wouldn't that be kind of crazy? You sound like the nutcase who said the Conspiracy Theory board would be the judge and jury after I posted everything I had to them.

lol..............I'm a troll Mirah. An online troll................I am a Master Troll in real is something few of you could deal with if you actually had the nerve to face me.
Trust me on this one.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
Look at all the threads in DayCare. Who ends the threads? shall I dumb it down for you some more Mirah?

You are about as smart as some of the Stepford women I have been dealing with the last 3 years.

Yes, but if you are the only one opening the new thread, posting in it, with no replies, that does not make you a thread killer, it makes you lonely.
Mirah said:
Yes, but if you are the only one opening the new thread, posting in it, with no replies, that does not make you a thread killer, it makes you lonely.

True.............and true. Yes, I am lonely. I have only made a few "friends" since I have moved to Austin, two being my neighbors and one co-worker. The rest have tried to run games on me. You see Mirah.........I am a strong woman, I do not intentionally run games on people unless I see they are trying to run one on me, I am one of the most honest people you will ever meet, I am a problem-solver in that I am confrontational.........I do not let a bad situation keep dragging out in hopes it will disappear, sweep it under the rug, lie, doesn't work for me. I believe in dealing with problems head-on because I am brave enough............I am not a coward. It is something that is novel and foreign to a lot of people which is why their lives get worse and they never amount to much. As bad as my life is.........I attribute it to a lot of wicked, weak people who cannot deal with real-life conflicts in an honest manner.
That is their problem............I can stand tall. I may have lost, but I did so with honor. They may have won, but they did it because they have something to hide, they are greedy and they are malicious. It will come back to them..............there is not doubt in my mind. I will never see it, but it will come back to them tenfold.