Store wars as Tesco bans Jedi Knight


Be patient till the last.
A Tesco spokesman said: "We would ask Jedis to remove hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all went hoodless without going to the Dark Side."



The good news is this doesn't rule out igniting your lightsaber in a Tesco store!


I want to smell dark matter
I don't remember it ever being said in the movies that Jedi HAVE TO have their hoods up at all times in public, so it's not G-canon and they shouldn't treat it like an essential part of their religion. Credit to the Tesco spokesman replying with humour and not just saying "FUCK OFF YOU SADDO!"


Staff member
There is nothing in the movies or the EU (as far as I know) that indicates that the hood must be worn up. It seems to be used more to keep a low profile than anything else.

That said there isn't much more that they can hold on to due to the problem of them not being Jedi because Jedi don't exist.


I want to smell dark matter
Well, that puts Jedi on a par with CHRISTIANITY then! [/smug]


Boobie inspector
If he was a proper Jedi he should have just waved his hand at security and said "I don't need to put my hood down"


I want to smell dark matter
If you want to adopt Jedi as your religion, do you have to be a Padawan first? Or do they let just anyone be a Jedi right away?


Lucas should go in wearing a hood, and say I WANT TO GIVE YOU LOTS OF LUCASH BUT NOW I CAN'T, SITH-LIKE TESCO CORPORATION! and then pass out drunk in the pastry department after relieving himself over the frozen peas.


I want to smell dark matter
"This is where the fun begins!" as he rapes a middle aged shopper.


"It's a trap!" as he pokes his cock through the sliding doors to greet incoming customers.


I want to smell dark matter
"Failed I have. Into exile I must go," as he runs out the fire exit being chased by cops.


Boobie inspector
"Boring conversation anyway" he says after being bundled into a police car

The Question

And then Senator Vreenak runs in and points at him and goes, "IT'S A FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!"


Boobie inspector
WTF did TNG feel the need to make the romulan forheads like that?

They were Vulcans that went to live somewhere else, I mean if a human lived on romulous would they get a big V on their forhead?


I want to smell dark matter
They mutilated their own foreheads so they wouldn't look like Vulcans (maybe.)