Storm's a'brewin' at TBBS

Peter Octavian

New Member
Do things seem.....uhhmmmm.....tense?

Can you see the dark clouds rolling in like huge wool packs heaped up in picturesque disorder? Can you hear the distant rumble of thunder peeling across the nerdscape?

Hmmmm.....if I were a frequent poster over there...or even...well....a member of the staff....I'd take down all my breakables and move into the bathroom or a doorway, cause I wouldn't want to get caught in this kind of shitstorm.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
You blame them? Since Borgia took over, things aren't all that happy anymore.


New Member
The conditions are ideal then. Just as I'd hoped. I don't doubt that the power has gone to Bonz's head just like it did to Lisa's. I had hopes for Bonz too.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
I did too, but so quickly crushed.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Dude! On the down low! Everybody reads this board.


New Member
Dammit baba, thats the last time I tell you anything about my sex life.

:mad: :D


New Member
And before I forget, WTF is this all about guys? I'm just getting in for the evening and haven't checked in at TBBS, but things are by far not as dire as you guys are making it out to be. In fact, things are miles better, in and out of the BR now then they were just a few short months ago when we were having Enterpriser, TNZ, Board Software Problems and my PMS'ing all at the same time. Aren't we over dramatiing things a bit much by saying a "storm is brewing"? Over what???


TrekBBS Wench
But wait...doesn't everyone toe the moderator party line?

That's what I keep hearing.

You mean it's not true? Damn.


Boobie inspector
Only thing I dont like is that empty star wars forum, why shunt all the threads out then leave it there?

Might as well have just left the threads where they were if you werent going to get rid of the forum.

Havent really set foot outside of the art and sci fi forums in over two years anyway, so dont really care what happens anywhere else.

The Question

She was eaten by the Mole People and replaced by a papier mache mockup.


BlazerBoy said:
Yeah, thanks for keeping my dead forum as dead as ever. Like, whatevar. :D

So that forum needs two of you to keep Dennis in line? Is that it?

Nice to talk to you the other day by the way. You sound very sweet.... perfect pool boy material.



New Member
Actually, Dennis isn't real big in the Fan Fic area. The Hidden Frontier folks and their various stalkers are, though.

And yes, it was indeed cool to speak with you last week Later that evening when I heard Delilah on the radio, I cracked up laughing and my friends thought I was high.