Troll Kingdom

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Story for the day (Friday)


I want to smell dark matter
Nigel was late again. But that was to be expected, he was usually late. She'd known what he was like before they'd started going out. She couldn't hold a little lateness against him. She decided she's walk down the path leading out the street and see if he was on his way. It was a nice day anyway.

She left the house and headed down the path. She saw someone coming up at the bottom, someone walking very slowly and staring at her, then trying not to stare at her. Oh no, it was that weird guy who lived across the road from her. She shouldn't call him weird, of course, he couldn't help it. She'd heard he had something wrong with him. What was it again? Not Down's Syndrome, she'd be able to tell that from his face, and his face actually looked relatively normal. No, it was something else...hadn't he been in an accident or something? No, that was the guy with no legs, what was she thinking! Whatever it was, he was walking past her now...staring at her breasts. His face showed no expression, but she thought he might have panicked at being caught out because his eyes quickly darted up to meet hers. She thought of smiling, but couldn't manage. He said something as he passed. It sounded like "squid". What the fuck!? He WAS weird. Even if he did have something wrong with him surely he could control his mouth? But he was gone now and she walked on. She could see no sing of Nigel. She waited at the bottom of the path for him.

The weird guy was standing at the top of the path now, staring back at her, craning his neck trying to get a better look. When she looked at him he froze, perhaps thinking if he stood still she wouldn't notice him. Then he ducked behind a tree. This was quite embarrassing. She decided to walk along the road a bit and see if she could see Nigel.

The weird guy was following her. She could actually feel his eyes boring into the back of her head and it freaked her out. It was broad daylight, cars were driving by and there were a few people about, but she was still freaked out. What right did he have to follow her, even if he was some kind of brain-damaged retard? Even a Down's Syndrome kid would know better!

But there was Nigel, heading along the road towards her. He rolled his eyes as he approached.

"Should have just waited in the house, babe," he said.

"I just wanted to see where you were, what kept you so long?" she asked, trying not to sound like she was nagging.

"I was buying some skunk," he said. "Good shit too!"

"I don't like that stuff," she said, and she didn't.

"So fucking what, it's for me!" he said, laughing. "What the fuck's wrong with him?"

Oh no, the weird guy was slowly walking along the pavement towards them. Sure, he'd creeped her out a little, but Nigel had a temper and she didn't want him to actually hurt the weirdo. She'd seen Nigel beat the crap out of a guy at a gig once, for reasons she never even discovered. She was ashamed to admit that part of her kind of liked the fact that he'd done it. So ashamed...she wouldn't let him do something like that again. It wasn't right. She'd make sure he didn't.

"He's okay, come on, let's go back to my house," she said, taking Nigel's arm. But he shrugged her off.

"Alright pal! Checking out my bird, are you?" said Nigel, in a horrible mocking tone.

"Squid," said the weirdo, quite clearly this time. He was mad.

"Come on Nigel..."

"Squid? What the fuck you saying squid for, ya bum-boy?" She didn't know how Nigel had come to the conclusion that the weirdo was gay just because he's said squid. His raging homophobia was another small problem she had with Nigel. Why was she going out with him, again? Oh yeah, she liked bad boys. So ashamed...

"Her hair looks like a squid!" said the weirdo, smiling.

"Ya fucking freak! You really are a boofty aren't you, looking at her hair! Didn't you notice her arse and tits?"

"I noticed her tits," the weirdo deadpanned. Under other circumstances she would have laughed.

"I think you need a wee kickin'! Here, hold this" said Nigel, handing her his drugs, then clenching his fists, heading towards the weirdo, who backed away, stepping off the pavement.

She'd heard the car coming. Nigel had heard the car coming. But, somehow, the weirdo hadn't. Maybe his mind was too fool of thoughts of squid.

"Fucking hell, let's go!" said Nigel. "I'll probably get the blame for this!"

The weirdo was lying on the road. He was still conscious.

"I think he's okay, the car slowed down," she said. Then Nigel kicked him in the ribs.

"Shame he didnae die!" said Nigel. And she slapped him across the face.

"I don't think we should see each other anymore," she said. He looked ready to explode. The driver of the car had run out to check on the weirdo. Nigel was looking at him, apparently working out if he could take a swing at her without him seeing. But instead he just turned and walked away.

"I got what I wanted from you anyway, slut!" he shouted back.

She helped the driver help the weirdo up. He apparently hadn't been hurt at all.

"Your looks like squid...I just wanted to see it up close...sorry for following you," said the weirdo.

"That's okay," she said and dropped Nigel's drugs down a drain.

"Fuck!" she heard Nigel shouting, as he had apparently started walking back. He looked ready to run at her, but then he just turned and walked off and out of her life.

"What a wanker," said the weirdo about Nigel and she had to agree with that assessment.