Story for the day (Sunday)


I want to smell dark matter
The year which would come to be known as ID0 - The year the Infinity Dragon came. The legions of Zoltar surrounded the city. The siege had last 80 days and 80 nights. The people of Noseguard city were more than exhausted. They were beginning to die. Their leader, the brave Batbum, tried to rally them one last time, to mount one last defence. But most could not rise. The Zoltar had brought new siege ladders. Batbum and the few troops still fighting overturn as many as they could. But they could not overturn them all. The legions reached the top of the ladders, finally making it onto the walls of Noseguard city...

Then the clouds burst. Through them came the Infinity Dragon. Batbum thought it was an hallucination, thought death had finally took him. But it was real and it was magnificent. Larger than any animal seen before, its wings blocking the sun, its scales an impossible red. The Infinity Dragon. The saviour of Noseguard. It loosed fire from its great jaws, but aimed it only at Zoltar's men. Those who did not turn to ashes scattered. They never come back, such was the fear the Infinity Dragon put in them.

He wanted know thanks, he only wanted a place to live, in the mountains looking down on the city. He was loved by all the people of the Noseguard.

ID10 - On the tenth anniversary of the great victory over Zoltar's people, the Infinity Dragon came down from the mountains to the city, now much expanded, and let the people look upon him. Unsees by most eyes since that great day 10 years ago, it was as if a God had come to walk amongst them. Batbum greeted him warmly and told him of the great plan to conquer the people of Zoltar and take their lands, askign the Infinity Dragon to come with them. The dragon declined and to the surprise of many advised Batbum not to go to war, to stay at home in peace, a peace which would last while the dragon guarded them. Other agreed with the dragon, yet Batbum dreamed of glory and ignored his advice.

ID11 - Batbum sets off with a legion of thousands, not just from the Noseguard city but from many nearby villages and townships. It is thought that Batbum coerced many into joining his war.

ID19 - Batbums's army finally wins victory as Batum himself slays Zoltar on the Field of Blood. Tens of thousands of men perish in the conflict.

ID20 - The Infinity Dragon comes forth again, but the celebrations this year are in honour of Batbum, the greatest hero of the Noseguard. The Dragon is almost forgotten in the shadow of Batbum's glory. It returns to the mountains.

ID28 - Gregor the baker's son travels to the Infinity Dragon's cave high in the mountains, the first human to dare to do so. The dragon welcomes him with friendshp and tells tales of his history in other strange and distant worlds.

ID29 - Batbum dies an old rich man.

ID30 - The dragon comes forth and is told there will be no celebrations this year as Batbum is dead. No one now fears the dragon, as he has not killed a soul in 30 years. The dragon returns to its cave. Some say dragon tears fall from its eyes and all growing things they touch perish on that day.

ID34 - Gregor visits the dragon for the final time and finds it to be tired.

ID46 - Teenage brutes reach the Infinity Dragon's cave, find the dragon stealing and pillage its mementos of the Noseguard. The dragon comes to the city, now five times as large as when the dragon first came, asking of them back. The gates are closed. The dragon takes to the sky and loses its fire into the air in a warning. The mementos are returned. Fear of the dragon increases, but there is little love for it now.

ID58 - A scouting party looking for land to expand the Noseguard kingdom comes across the Infinity Dragon's cave. The dragon asks to talk, but they scorn it and tell it to return to the stars from whence it came, as the Noseguard have no need of it anymore. The dragon weeps openly in front of them.

ID70 - The legions of Zoltar return in greater numbers, attacking the many cities of the noseguard simultaneously. Battle rages. Hundreds of thousands die. Priests pray to the Infinity Dragon for help.

ID77 - Herg the strong travels to the Infinity Dragon's cave and begs forgiveness and for mercy. The dragon was sleeping and did not know of the war. He ends it within days, killing thousands. Yet millions have died by now, and the people are not thankful of the dragon but rather demand to know why he took so long to come and blame him for the war itself, as he slaughtered so many Zoltar 77 yeas ago and lies and misinformation are told. The Noseguard turn their weapons on the Infinity Dragon and drive it back to the mountains.

ID84 -A war party of the Noseguard reach the dragon's cave in an attempt to kill him. The dragon refuses to fight back at first, but eventually slaughters them.

ID99 - The dragon is seen in the skies for the first time in years. Then he is gone.

ID109 - Looters find the Infinity Dragon's cave empty.

"All I wanted was friends. To be loved. I know I can never live with people, but just be known and respected by them was enough for me. Every ten years I would come forth to speak with them, but they forgot so soon, turn on me faster than anyone. I spied an even greater army of Zoltar massing, making ready for war. I decided to leave the Noseguard to their fate. They were not my friends anymore. They did not love me nor I them. Let them die. I took to the skies. I took to the strange depths of space. There are other worlds for me." - The Infinity Dragon


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Aw, that's a sweet sad story. Those Noseguard bastards.


I want to smell dark matter
Thanks, Omar.


Be patient till the last.
NOW the Noseguards will be sorry! Jerks.


I want to smell dark matter
They'll be dead.