Strangest thing...


...bear in mind the house is empty, and I'm on my second vodka and orange juice.

But dayum....I miss Number_6. I miss his abrasiveness, his "take no prisoners" type of debating.

So, Number_6, for old times sake...

As far as education, you're talking out of your asshole. Your platform of anti multiculturalism is a very unstable one. If we embrace the cultures of the world, maybe the understanding borne of that embrace will bring us closer together.

My students deserve to know of the world at large. To deny them that information is inconcionable (sp?) at best. If you think otherwise, you are the one that is embracing the shabdows on the cave wall.

Avcademia, I've realized, is a far cry from the real world.
cultures that embrace every other culture in the world are soon to find that they have been devoured by them and will cease to exist.
Oh, bullshit. there's room for everyone. Educating students in the traditons of other cultures will serve to broaden their perspective, not hinder it.

Why is everyone afraid of knowledge?
One word: McDonald's.

That fucking franchise is insidious, and hads found it's way to the freakin' blackholes of Calcutta, probably.
So you think teacching multiculturalism in schools has led to the downfall of American culture?

Again, I decry: Bullshit! The ethnic influences in America have only added to it's culture, not detracted from it: franfurters, pizza, soccer (the phrase "soccer mom" has become all too American, but where did soccer orginate, hmm?). and many, many other things have defined America.

Weren't we all taught the term "melting pot" in grade school?
One problem I've always had with you (and numerous other posters here) is that you can't step out of your own opinion and actually concider a veiwpoint.
You let yourown "Self" blind you to any other option.