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beer, I want beer

I have reviewed this thread and become amazed at the sheer stupidity of people. Many people I know purchased computers with 64-bit chips the moment they came out. I asked them a simple question: WHY? When will people realise you cannot run 32-bit programs using the 64-bit capacity at the moment? They came out with the 64-bit systems more than a year ago so what gives? Are you all fucking MORONS? Take the new VISTA beta and try to run those 32-bit programs on a 32-bit system using this 64-bit OS. Watch what happens.
Why not simply wait until you see new 64-bit programs coming out before even touching the Vista OS? You are all complete idiots. It is wonderful dumbasses like yourselves exist because you purchase the 64-bit systems and 64-bit VISTA at a ridiculous price thus driving the prices down for smart cookies like us. You are all like the idiots who were spending almost $2000 for a simple CD burner whilst smart people like myself simply waited until finally the price was driven down to $150 for the same. I thank MORONS like the rest of you. It is dipshits like you who drive prices down for smart fuckers like myself. Keep buying those 64-bit programs whilst there is NOTHING you can run on them. Duh? Fucking MORONS. I'll keep my currently obsolete system until 64-bit becomes the norm.
You people are so stupid you fail to realise this 64-bit technology has existed since 1995 yet it is only now beginning to show up on the market. That means you dipshits are going to be paying for over 10 years worth of R&D. Total complete fucking idiots. I had one such fuckhead tell me this 64-bit technology was new. What the fuck? I asked him what technology was running all of those video play stations? Are the rest of you as dumb as this fuck? I believe so.
The same shit was said when the 16 bit 8088 was the new standard.

You still running betamax for video too?
Nothing wrong with a a Pentium I 120Mhz system , in its day It kicked ass.

My first computer in 1983 was a Commodore vic-20 16k ROM 4K of RAM, A 6502 cpu running a screaming 1.0227 Mhz . I did not have a floppy drive for it, I had a casset tape drive that was slow as a slug.

I would have been a real computer nerd but found drugs,booze and pussy and that was the end of that shit for about 10 years.

In 10 years we will be picking up AMD64 boxes at yard sales and second hand stores.

I agree that it is good to wait on some technology to come down in price. take a look at DVD burners. slow overpriced junk, I will wait and get A 50 gig HD blue ray disk burner when the price is right.
I love how this fucked up board cannot have the fucking clock right, what bullshit.
bad dog said:
The same shit was said when the 16 bit 8088 was the new standard.

You still running betamax for video too?

None too bright are you? Both beta and VHS were standards. They were created at the same time. It does not compare with the switch-over from 32-bit to 64-bit you dumbfuck. You go ahead and purchase a computer with a 64-bit processor. Now go ahead and purchase the software for it. What? There is none? They why the fuck did you purchase the processor? People who own 64-bit processors NOW are not even using the capabilities afforded by them you dimweed because they are running 32-bit OS and 32-bit programs. There are many, many, many 16-bit programs which will not run on the 32-bit OS simply because of backward-compatibility issues. Now that we have 64-bit chips good luck making all of your 32-bit programs run on them and do not even bother with older 16-bit programs. May as well toss them into the garbage can.
By the way, your talk about the VHS and BETA is ridiculous. Using your logic we should just ditch the 64-bit processing capabilities and keep the 32-bit processing systems now. BETA was a far superior format. VHS was simply cheaper although inferior. I merely point out the computer hardware and software industries are taking us for a fucking ride. 64-bit technology is old but they have kept the 32-bit technology because it is cheaper for them in terms of standardisation. Notice how chip manufacturers were going from Pentium I up to Pentium 4? You do understand they already had Pentium 4 technology when they came out with the Pentium I yes? They were making dipshits like yourselves pay a fortune for their chips. Why go from 1 straight to 4 when they can make you keep paying for new upgrades? Damn you people are fucking stupid.
Never forget, laser disc technology is over 25 years old yet only fairly recently have companies completely switched to DVD technology. The video industry has OWNED your fucking asses and you did not even know it. Say 'bahhhhhh hhhhhhhaaaaaa' for me you fucking sheep.

However, with the first versions of 64-bit Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 for 64-bit Extended Systems, there are some limitations that you should be aware of:

* You can't run applications that use a 16-bit installer. Many older apps developed before Microsoft developed its Windows Installer technology used a 16-bit installer to maintain compatibility with 16-bit Windows and to reduce the installer's footprint. While 32-bit versions of Windows can run the 16-bit installer, the 64-bit versions can't. One common app with a 16-bit installer is SQL Server 2000, up through Service Pack 3. With Service Pack 4, Microsoft gave SQL Server 2000 an MSI-based installer that works with 64-bit Windows.
* You can't use apps that install or require 32-bit kernel-mode drivers. That includes Exchange Server 2003.
* Microsoft hasn't yet ported the .NET Framework to 64-bit Windows, and the 32-bit version will not run on that environment—so, you can't run any .NET apps on 64-bit Windows. For example, you can't run the Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003, BizTalk Server 2002 or Project Server 2002 on 64-bit Windows at this time. This is expected to change in late 2004, with a future release of the .NET Framework compatible with 64-bit Windows.

So what's the point of paying for a 64-bit chip you will rarely use? Fucking MORONS but I say keep paying. Your money allows me to pay less in the long run. Keep up the good work. It is your STUPIDITY that allows me to save some cash for better peripherals. Mwahhhhhhhhh to you idiots!
64 bit will be the common standard in no time you dumb as a rock cock licker luci.

damn what a stupid ass fucker. I bet you still drive a 1973 ford pinto too.
Zodiac said:
There's a Windows XP version which supports 64-bit processors.

No duh but buyer beware! You had better know your shit before purchasing it dear child. Better get used to many peripherals not working simply because there is a dearth of drivers out there for WIN-64 applications.

Some 32-bit applications ship with device drivers that are not supported by the 64-bit kernel. These applications will not function properly and might cause an error during installation or operation. Most 32-bit antivirus programs fall into this category and should not be loaded on computers running Windows XP 64-Bit Edition."

Bitch. You go ahead and purchase it. I am going to wait until the full changeover is complete and let EVERYONE ELSE pay for the cost of those changes. Bitches.
bad dog said:
64 bit will be the common standard in no time you dumb as a rock cock licker luci.

damn what a stupid ass fucker. I bet you still drive a 1973 ford pinto too.

Really? They have been talking about a 64-bit OS since 1995. What year is it now you fucking MORON? Took them 11 years to roll out technology they already had in 1995. DIPSHIT. Now quit your barking and get back to lapping up my cum from the floor just in front of LILITH where she sucked it out.
SaintLucifer said:

No duh but buyer beware! You had better know your shit before purchasing it dear child. Better get used to many peripherals not working simply because there is a dearth of drivers out there for WIN-64 applications.
Yeah, but the operating system would be better able to multitask. If it's an issue of performance, why are you mentioning drivers? Your first post was a tirade about its functionality, after all.
Zodiac said:
Yeah, but the operating system would be better able to multitask. If it's an issue of performance, why are you mentioning drivers? Your first post was a tirade about its functionality, after all.

What are you going to run on it? No 64-bit software has been created as yet you dipshit. Everything is still 32-bit. You do understand when running 32-bit software on a 64-bit processor you are still using 32-bit technology? Then what's the fucking point of having a 64-bit chip. Naturally things will be much faster when you have 64-bit applications running on a 64-bit chip. Alas, there are none! It's like the reason no one purchased Macs for quite some time. No applications for them because no one gave a shit about MAC. Now fuck off.

The immediate impact, in a positive sense, isn't much at all. Windows x64 can run current 32-bit applications transparently, with few perceptible performance differences, via a facility Microsoft has dubbed WOW64, for Windows on Windows 64-bit. WOW64 allows 32-bit programs to execute normally on a 64-bit OS. Using Windows XP Pro x64 is very much like using the 32-bit version of Windows XP Pro, with the same basic look and feel. Generally, things just work as they should.

There are differences, though. Device drivers, in particular, must be recompiled for Windows x64. The 32-bit versions won't work. In many cases, Windows x64 ships with drivers for existing hardware. We were able to test on the Intel 925X and nForce4 platforms without any additional chipset drivers, for example. In other cases, we'll have to rely on hardware vendors to do the right thing and release 64-bit drivers for their products. Both RealTek and NVIDIA, for instance, supply 64-bit versions of their audio and video drivers, respectively, that share version numbers and feature sets with the 32-bit equivalents, and we were able to use them in our testing. ATI has a 64-bit beta version of its Catalyst video drivers available, as well, but not all hardware makers are so on the ball.

Some other types of programs won't make the transition to Windows x64 seamlessly, either. Microsoft ships WinXP x64 with two versions of Internet Explorer, a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version. The 32-bit version is the OS default because nearly all ActiveX controls and the like are 32-bit code, and where would we be if we couldn't execute the full range of spyware available to us? Similarly, some system-level utilities and programs that do black magic with direct hardware access are likely to break in the 64-bit version of Windows. There will no doubt be teething pains and patches required for certain types of programs, despite Microsoft's best efforts.

Of course, many applications will be recompiled as native 64-bit programs as time passes, and those 64-bit binaries will only be compatible with 64-bit processors and operating systems. Those applications should benefit in several ways from making the transition.

There's nothing earth-shattering about the performance of either the AMD or Intel CPUs in 64-bit mode here. Interestingly enough, the Athlon 64 is faster running the 32-bit code on WinXP x64 than on WinXP 32-bit. The Pentium 4, meanwhile, is the opposite, losing a step or two in the 64-bit OS. Neither processor benefits tangibly from the move to 64-bit application code, unfortunately.

Lick my cock BITCH.
SaintLucifer said:
What are you going to run on it? No 64-bit software has been created as yet you dipshit. Everything is still 32-bit. You do understand when running 32-bit software on a 64-bit processor you are still using 32-bit technology? Then what's the fucking point of having a 64-bit chip. Naturally things will be much faster when you have 64-bit applications running on a 64-bit chip. Alas, there are none! It's like the reason no one purchased Macs for quite some time. No applications for them because no one gave a shit about MAC. Now fuck off.
You seem to know absolutely nothing about operating systems, so allow me to school you:

A 64-bit pathway would make accessing the kernel (You know what the kernel is, right?) far more efficient, and would allow for better multitasking, as I've stated before. The entire operating system would run faster in itself. Although the programs would not, the OS would be able to access memory more quickly.

What else would you like to know?
Zodiac said:
You seem to know absolutely nothing about operating systems, so allow me to school you:

A 64-bit pathway would make accessing the kernel (You know what the kernel is, right?) far more efficient, and would allow for better multitasking, as I've stated before. The entire operating system would run faster in itself. Although the programs would not, the OS would be able to access memory more quickly.

What else would you like to know?

No duh you MORON. I am speaking from an economic perspective. Do you not read? Of course it will be faster but not noticeably enough to make the extra cost worthwhile. Why do you never take care to read my posts? Everything is about cost. BETA was a far superior video format yet everyone adoped VHS. Why? COST. You look at things from a purely technological perspective. What a dimweed. We all know it will be faster but not as fast as a 64-bit application running atop a 64-bit OS. Do you understand my point or should I leave the room and walk in again only to repeat it all for you but more slowly this time?
Here. I shall teach you as I would a child. Why pay hundreds of dollars more for barely noticeable performance improvements when you can wait until 64-bit applications and drivers become the standard whereupon you would end up paying FAR LESS FOR FAR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE? This is where my calling everyone a fucking MORON comes in. Fuck you are all stupid. I mean it is so obvious I could just punch you in the head just to make certain you could see it. No one could be this dumb or could they?
Allow me to point out to you a simple fact. I jumped from a Pentium I 120Mhz system straight to my current system. Nothing in between. I saved fucking THOUSANDS. I know people who kept purchasing every new generation. They are like you dumbass 'oh but it is now faster'. What they failed to notice is the performance was not that noticeable. Dumbfuck. Not for the fucking money they were paying. As far as I am concerned THEY were stupid enough to pay for the improvements. In effect, they paid for the R&D costs which were incurred by the manufacturers MANY YEARS BEFORE. In effect, you are paying for OLD TECHNOLOGY when you think it is actually NEW TECHNOLOGY you pay for. This shows your true stupidity. I see MICROSOFT and the hardware manufacturers own your fucking brain. Fuck. Why don't people see the obvious right in front of their faces?? Shit.
Zodiac said:
You seem to know absolutely nothing about operating systems, so allow me to school you:

A 64-bit pathway would make accessing the kernel (You know what the kernel is, right?) far more efficient, and would allow for better multitasking, as I've stated before. The entire operating system would run faster in itself. Although the programs would not, the OS would be able to access memory more quickly.

What else would you like to know?

Why not simply wait until you see new 64-bit programs coming out before even touching the Vista OS? You are all complete idiots. It is wonderful dumbasses like yourselves exist because you purchase the 64-bit systems and 64-bit VISTA at a ridiculous price thus driving the prices down for smart cookies like us. You are all like the idiots who were spending almost $2000 for a simple CD burner whilst smart people like myself simply waited until finally the price was driven down to $150 for the same. I thank MORONS like the rest of you. It is dipshits like you who drive prices down for smart fuckers like myself. Keep buying those 64-bit programs whilst there is NOTHING you can run on them. Duh? Fucking MORONS. I'll keep my currently obsolete system until 64-bit becomes the norm.

Learn to read you fucking MORON. By the way, don't forget to pay for the extra RAM too. 64-bit systems need that. *wink*
Luci you must be a little kid , what was your first computer Mr wizzard?
bad dog said:
Luci you must be a little kid , what was your first computer Mr wizzard?

OMMFG! I already POSTED that fucking information! Aghhhhhhhhhh!!! *pulls my hair* These people are fucking MORONS!! Aghhhhhhhhhh!! Must I fucking repeat myself you bitch and I mean that literally upon seeing your avatar.
SaintLucifer said:

No duh you MORON. I am speaking from an economic perspective. Do you not read? Of course it will be faster but not noticeably enough to make the extra cost worthwhile. Why do you never take care to read my posts? Everything is about cost. BETA was a far superior video format yet everyone adoped VHS. Why? COST. You look at things from a purely technological perspective. What a dimweed. We all know it will be faster but not as fast as a 64-bit application running atop a 64-bit OS. Do you understand my point or should I leave the room and walk in again only to repeat it all for you but more slowly this time?
Here. I shall teach you as I would a child. Why pay hundreds of dollars more for barely noticeable performance improvements when you can wait until 64-bit applications and drivers become the standard whereupon you would end up paying FAR LESS FOR FAR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE? This is where my calling everyone a fucking MORON comes in. Fuck you are all stupid. I mean it is so obvious I could just punch you in the head just to make certain you could see it. No one could be this dumb or could they?
Allow me to point out to you a simple fact. I jumped from a Pentium I 120Mhz system straight to my current system. Nothing in between. I saved fucking THOUSANDS. I know people who kept purchasing every new generation. They are like you dumbass 'oh but it is now faster'. What they failed to notice is the performance was not that noticeable. Dumbfuck. Not for the fucking money they were paying. As far as I am concerned THEY were stupid enough to pay for the improvements. In effect, they paid for the R&D costs which were incurred by the manufacturers MANY YEARS BEFORE. In effect, you are paying for OLD TECHNOLOGY when you think it is actually NEW TECHNOLOGY you pay for. This shows your true stupidity. I see MICROSOFT and the hardware manufacturers own your fucking brain. Fuck. Why don't people see the obvious right in front of their faces?? Shit.