Summer Classes


RIP Karl 1991-2014
MTWTh 4-7:20: English 102
MTWTh 7:30-10: Statistics I

If all goes according to plan, my last English and math classes, respectively.


I'm not wearing any panties!!
Good shit. :techman:

I'm also back in school (sorta) and it's a good feeling.

Love Child

One Love
I did not enjoy statistics that much. Or maybe I did, I don't remember. In the end our project was to take a survey in the school about different topics. My topic was illegal immigration, not really too many questions one can ask about that imo. But if it filled the math requirment that was ok.
That was the year I hurt my back, I remember running into my instructor on my way home from the doctor-I went home for a week. Anyway, told him I would not be in class and he said something about still being able to do my homework on my back or something stupid like that. Idiot. LOL.