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Sure wish I could meet that Eve.


RIP 1970~2018
So I'm reading the Pentateuch with my pornographic mental filter as I do every morning and I came across this scripture once again -

Gen. 3:16

“I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

So I got to thinking - Who was this sexy pre-curse hotty? Childbirth without pain. Desire that is (if I may speculate) available to a wide range of men. Certainly not husband-centric until after the curse. And not ruled over by the same.

So it look to me like we're talking about a women who rules over herself, is sexually self-actualized and able to have children with little or no physical detriment. Which, in a time without birth control, could mean she is active sexually. Or at the very least capable of being so if she wished.

Sounds like my kind of girl.

Interesting that those catagories would be the focus of the curse.
I'd rather have Lilith.

I've been wondering lately if the two might be the same and split happens post curse. Maybe Lilith became Eve but the transformation legend was lost to time or misunderstanding.

But yeah, me too. I could definitely find time to suffer some of that raw old time femininity. Mmm mm good.
I've always wondered about eve....

Adam and Eve had two children (Cain and Abel). Cain slew Abel and was Cast from the land. Later it states that Cain took a wife. Now if Eve was the only woman on earth, and Cain was cast away from her, How (where) did he find a wife?
