Take that to your grave

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Take it easy
Take it to the limit
Take that one to heart
Take another little piece of my heart
Take away this ball and chain
Take me away
Take from me my lace
Take that thing and put it in there
Take two and call me in the morning
Take it for granted
Take it to court
Take me for a fool
Take one and pass it down

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Agent Graves
Grave consequences
Gravey Train
Wavey Gravey
Walked across your grave
Early grave
Save it for the grave
Graven image
Shallow Grave
Unmarked Grave

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Here I lie in stinky vapor.
Someone stole the toilet paper.
Shall I lie or shall I linger?
Or shall I be forced to use my finger?

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Those who write on bathroom walls
should roll their shit into little balls
those who read these words of wit
should eat those little balls of shit!


addle barn
for some unknown reason all that comes to mind right now is 'stick it in your pipe and smoke it'


Can I have Ops?
I rate this a 2 George thread