Troll Kingdom

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Talking to yourself: Professional Trolling technique discussion

Yeah, should probably put it into Speak Sanely, but I'll try to post something substantial in this mine-field wanna-be forum.

Thanks to Gagh, well...I outed myself too, my dual whom I often professed to dislike was outed some time ago. While I rarely had an open argument with it, I did have conversations (usually as a result of a sangria fueled bout of selfpitty and attention whoring) with my "alter ego". I did it for the hell of it.

There are Professional "trolls" now, actually hired by movie studios and other media outlets. People who register on message boards and start conversations about the next "hot" movie or show. If no one talks back, they register a dual and start talking to themselves, hoping to garner attention to the project they've been paid to hype.

Sad, brilliant, or a part-time job for the 8 posters who actually post here?

Sadistic Bastard said:
Yeah, should probably put it into Speak Sanely, but I'll try to post something substantial in this mine-field wanna-be forum.

Thanks to Gagh, well...I outed myself too, my dual whom I often professed to dislike was outed some time ago. While I rarely had an open argument with it, I did have conversations (usually as a result of a sangria fueled bout of selfpitty and attention whoring) with my "alter ego". I did it for the hell of it.

There are Professional "trolls" now, actually hired by movie studios and other media outlets. People who register on message boards and start conversations about the next "hot" movie or show. If no one talks back, they register a dual and start talking to themselves, hoping to garner attention to the project they've been paid to hype.

Sad, brilliant, or a part-time job for the 8 posters who actually post here?


You were supposed to post that with this account.
Har de har har.

Just for that, I'm going to lose the password to the SB account when you log off.
These tactics have been employed in RL for ages. This is a natural progression of anthrotechnopological advancement.
Hambil said:

Yes, it's staggering that Turdwars was discontinued with so many quality members posting in that style. Simply amazing.
Sarek said:
Yes, it's staggering that Turdwars was discontinued with so many quality members posting in that style. Simply amazing.

Yes, saying "fuck you in the neck" is such a sophisticated technique, and twenty pages of exclamation marks is the result of sublime inspiration.

Will you please come to TV and teach us how to be awesome and cool like that, Sarek?

"Hey there, me."

"Hiya, uh...also me."

"What's up?"

"Not much. Just bored. And grimey."

"You too, huh? Heh. So..."


How's that for talking to yourself?

Or do you mean...oh. With a "dual?"

Don't know what that is.

If only Bonz would fart...maybe the movement caused by the air would generate the tiniest microsecond of stimulation...
