Nick Walczak said:Uh, no, we don't block all people with email addresses.
You're just a troll who is so full of shit that its only escape can be from your mouth. Next time try changing your IP address and posting style if you plan on getting past us.
P.S. Posting in CAPS makes you look retarded.
Paladin said:Ooooooohhh! I am so good I am drawing the Wordforgers right into Troll Kingdom! Allow me to take care of this idiot.
As for my IP address, I used 6 different addresses. None of them were blocked. With Wordforge I never used the same IP address more than once as well ELWOOD knows hence his anger with me. As for my posting style, what does this have to do with my signing up under another name? Are you dumb? I got past your idiots when I became FascistCanuck and Ghost did I not so cut the bullshit about the IP addresses. Why would anyone be required to allow the Admins to 'review' a person's membership registration? The answer is simple you fucking dolt. You review the entire trip the e-mail takes to reach Wordforge in order to seek out banned IP addresses, none of which showed up in my case. Now, I had made a post wherein I stated my intention to INVADE your site. TAMAR obviously rushed to ELWOOD to warn him. This caused him to shit his fucking pants in utter fright so he immediately locked down all registrations made via yahoo e-mail addresses. I know because two individuals within your site were asked by me to register via yahoo and they were turned down.
I made Wordforge my bitch and you know it. A damn shame you have people like Tamar_Garish and Zodiac on your site because without them I had no problems. As Ghost no one but Zodiac, Bladev and 3 others knew it was a SaintLucifer dual. You did not have Ghost banned UNTIL your beloved ZODIAC started whining about how Ghost was a SaintLucifer dual and you fucking know it.
The idiotic part of it all would be the fact I rather enjoyed your site. The posting by all involved was excellent. Everything was hunkydory until that whiny little fuck Zodiac who hates me with all of his might started screaming 'dual' in my direction. It was only AFTER he created a long thread in my honour that you dumb motherfuckers decided to ban me. The conclusion I draw from this would be that Zodiac has your entire site in his back pocket. He FORCED you to do something no one wanted to do.
Then there is Tamar-Garish whose hatred for me is far, far stronger than that of Zodiac's because I personally crushed her in here. She claims to be the one to have banned SaintLucifer, FascistCanuck and Ghost. I find this suspicious because that would usually be Elwood's job and I have never been aware of Mods who are capable of banning. I smell a rat here. Anyway it is my belief Tamar so hates me that the moment she saw Zodiac fingering Ghost as being a SaintLucifer dual she immediately contacted Elwood and began bitching in her whiny manner. This woman clearly has it out for me. I have never seen hatred stronger than that. I am of the opinion were I to be standing before Tamar_Garish in person she would kill me personally. Obviously she has a hate-on for someone else because that someone sent me her picture via e-mail and told me how much he hated her because she pulled exactly the same shit with him that she has with me. I will not tell you who sent me the picture because he is a dual in Wordforge. He claims to have posted the image all over the internet. I do not give a shit what he does but I will not have your lying ass post bullshit in here.
The fact you keep banning my duals is proof you do not follow your own TOS. SaintLucifer was banned immediately. Ironically enough it happened RIGHT AFTER I BITCHSLAPPED TAMAR IN TK. I should have seen the connection but at the time I just did not care. SaintLucifer received absolutely no warnings whatsoever. Not a one. Your own TOS claims to have a point system where if you reach a certain number of points you are banned. I was banned so fast without warning my head spun. Why was I banned? For posting OUTSIDE OF THE RED ROOM. I was unaware of this rule. I bypassed your ridiculous security by returning as FascistCanuck (with a yahoo e-mail address but different IP address as were those 6 I signed up for on sunday) yet I got in easily. Same day. In fact, same hour. I happily posted everywhere until Zodiac began fingering me all over the place. I was banned AFTER he fingered me So this whiny fuck made you jump through his hoops once again. Once again I bypassed your bullshit security but this time as Ghost. Once again Master of Wordforge fingered Ghost as a SaintLucifer dual and immediately afterwards I was banned. If according to your own bullshit about my IP addresses being identical, why did you not check the IP addresses for both FascistCanuck and Ghost? You are so full of shit your eyes are brown and my cock remains up your asshole, having been responsible for your new eyecolour. Now quit being a lying fuck and go back to Zodiac's site. He clearly OWNS your entire site if he is capable of making you do things you would never ordinarily do. They should change the name of the site from Wordforge to Zodiac's Home. The fucker has even gotten people after him because he posts endlessly. They were also after him for his bitching about me and they know of his endless hatred for me Surely the members are beginning to question the wisdom of assholes who ban at the mere whisper of another member. They wonder at Zodiac's power. I know he got Bad Dog banned too. Zodiac is doing everything he can to keep those TK'ers who owned his fucking ass out of Wordforge. I find it interesting you banned Bad Dog outright without any warnings. I saw everything he did and you ONLY banned him at the behest of Zodiac. He whined and whined and whined. You capitulated. Tell me, how often is your mouth firmly around Zodiac's mouth?
The worst part of all this would be the fact I had actually e-mailed Elwood per your own site's instructions to discuss SaintLucifer's ban and return properly. He never responded once thus you FORCED me to use a dual. As this site very well knows I only use duals when other accounts have been banned. I was quite open about who FascistCanuck was (a fucking child would know that was me as I never changed my posting style one iota). I was free to roam throughout Wordforge as FascistCanuck because no one had a problem with me. I follow the TOS. Suddenly all hear the whine of a baby from the corner of Wordforge. As FascistCanuck I had been stealing all of Zodiac's thunder. I basically OWNED his ass over there and he knows it. He was having none of this so he began to finger me like a madman, posting comments on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF FASCISTCANUCK'S POSTS such as 'hello SaintLucifer' or 'hiya Luci'. Then he created an entire thread devoted solely to me and my duals. Bam! I was banned. You caved in to a crybaby who was losing his audience to the great SaintLucifer and you know it. Remember, you FORCED me to use duals. I did everything the proper way but Elwood never responded to my e-mails. That told me he had no intention of dealing with me thanks to Tamar_Garish who was severely savaged by me here in Troll Kingdom. Elwood and Tamar suck Zodiac's cock since they respond to his every command. You suck Elwood's and Tamar's cocks because YOU ARE HERE IN TROLLKINGDOM.
I had a wonderful time in Wordforge. To be honest with you it is an excellent site with much political intrigue and many wonderful posts by insightful people. I actually enjoyed being there. It is a shame it is run by the likes of Zodiac and Tamar. Perhaps you and Elwood need to grow some spine yes and learn to stand up for yourselves? You are all being run over by idiots like those two. Tamar with her whiny 'oh I am sick I am in hospital' schtick and Zodiac's 'wah but SaintLucifer is stealing all of my thunder in here! I want them to post to ME and not HIM! Wah!'
Mentalist said:Is there anyone alive that reads this shit?
Well at least this post isn't another essay length rant. And no, I don't read your posts. I skim the top and lose interest, nobody can be expected to read your huge posts, how quaint.Paladin said:Obviously you do. You are in MY thread reading THIS SHIT. You are a fucking MORON aren't you? By the way, that was a threat. No two cocks about it. He reviewed it and determined it most certainly is a threat. You will see why it is a threat soon enough. Just remember: David J. That name is going to be FAMOUS here.
Mentalist said:Well at least this post isn't another essay length rant. And no, I don't read your posts. I skim the top and lose interest, nobody can be expected to read your huge posts, how quaint.
You know, when I'm not on the PC TK gets exactly 0% of my attention. Talking about a messageboard in real life seems rather retarded to be honest. Now you have a new boyfriend called David J, right? Well, I'm very happy for you, I should be worried about him right? I mean, he's some haX0r nutter, right?
So tell me, why should we be afraid of someone you know? I mean, anyone who likes you has to be a fucking spastic so I can't wait for David J to become famous on TK. Can I get a time frame as to when this fabled fame will appear?
Mentalist said:Is there anyone alive that reads this shit?
Captain Jack said:Ah, the old story of the boy who cried wolf comes to mind. You've just lost any trust and sympathy from nearly (if not all) the folks who have read this thread and really thought you had died, Lord Raffles. Not funny. It was pretty shitty actually. I did feel bad for you. I won't make that mistake again.