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Teach me National Socialism

National Socialism places the race as the representation of a nation, and not it's national boundries. For the nation/race to survive, the duty of the state is the protection of this racial body.

Nation for Hitler was inseperable from the idea of race. Each nation, he wrote in mein kampf, 'is only a multitude of more or less similiar individual beings'; these beings were 'linked by blood', a similarity of values and a developed racial consciousness. Where Stalin argued that 'each nation is equal to any other nation', Hitler insisted that they existed historically in a state of permanent inequality. He devided nations into two categories: higher races imbued with the urge to 'self-preservation and continuance' and capable of both creating and sustaining a superior culture; lower races destined for biological degeneration and cultural sterility. Hitler's nations were communities locked into permanent confrontation, exclusive and belligerent from nature and necessity. They could not be defined by a common territory, since a vigorous but geographically restricted people had the right to seize all the additional land it needed for its long-term sustenance.

The state, in Hitler's view, should be coterminous with nation or race. The only purpose of the state was to protect the biological purity of is population, raise levels of racial awareness and organize itself to fend off other nations that trespassed on its vital interests. All non-Germans were, by definition, incapable of being or becoming full members of Hitler's 'Germanic state of the Germanic nation'. He rejected out hand any idea of internationalism, regarding it as the mortal enemy of the true racial state and inspiration of the Jews. In its place Hitler expected 'the whole life and action' of a people to be devoted to asserting its own national values at the expense of other, alien cultures. The chief enemy of this ambition was the Jewish people because they alone, the 'mightiest counterpart' of the racial state, had throughout history been the instrument of what Hitler called 'denationalization'. Without a fixes territory themselves - 'the race without roots' - the Jews flourished parasitically on the body of the unsuspecting host nation, sucking its culture dry, polluting its biological heritage. Hitler's nationalism was exclusive and defensive, and expression of cultural superiority and racial affinity.

Hitler's concept of the state was based solely on the 'preservation and intesnification' of a single nation to which all political and social ambitions were to be ruthlessly subordinated.
The Trouble with Hitler

is easy to explain. It’s over exposure in the main. Hitler
this, and that, and of course, not forgetting the ‘Other’. Hitler
gets everywhere these days. It sometimes feels like a Hitler
Renaissance to me. My boys grew up thinking that he, Hitler
was totally cool. The classicist. The reverse futurist. Hitler
had an eye for a fetching uniform. The snazzy gadgets Hitler
had. Panzers. U-boats. V2 rockets. If it weren’t for Hitler
no-one would have heard of Zyklon B. We’d have Warsaw
instead of a Joy Division. And, why – if it wasn’t for Hitler
punk may probably not have happened. Offending the Hitler
in everyone would have been harder. And every little Hitler
would still have it in for us: the deviants who dare say Hitler

was merely human after all.

© Lord Raffles
Lord Raffles said:
National Socialism places the race as the representation of a nation, and not it's national boundries. For the nation/race to survive, the duty of the state is the protection of this racial body.

Sounds like a misnomer to me, then. Shouldn't it be called, 'Racial Socialism' if that's what it means?
I think the idea was a form of socialism dedicated purely to the German people regardless of geographical boundaries.

Keep in mind that the NS of the 1920s is different from what was primarily practiced by the government in the 1930s and 1940s. The erasure of the SA was a hallmark of that transition.
^^Pretty much how I see it, too. It started out as actual National Socialism, and then sort of mutated. So I guess we should ask whether MessengerX wants to know about the theory or the practice.
There is one question that is seldom asked of Nazi Germany yet is fundamental to understanding how it could behave as it did towards the populations under it's power: why did Nazi Germany think it were right? National Socialism never regarded the vicious persecution unleasehed against it's enemies as criminal or immoral. It is unlikely that Hitler spent sleepless nights tortured by the thought of the millions victimized at his behest. Nazi Germany never displayed any outward doubts about the justice of it's cause. The lack of conscience was not merley a consequence of exceptional power unscruplously exercised, the expression of might as right. In National Socialism, as well as Stalinism, there existed a unique moral universe that was constructed in order to justify and explain what appear otherwise to be the most sordid and arbitrary of acts.

Historians have been wary of trying to reconstruct the moral outlook of National Socialism because it's ethical claims are seldom taken to be more than rehtorical or demagogic devices to sweeten the sour taste of state repression. Yet the faliure to take the ethical discourse, in my opinion, seriously distorts historical reality and undermines any attempt to understand the operation of the dictatorship on it's own terms. National Socialism was driven by powerful moral inperatives that challenged and transcended the norms derives from the heritage of Roman antiquity and Christianity. It did not simply rely on the existance of a tough coerive power to enforce its values, but directly contested other moral claims that compromised its own claim to legitimacy and moral worth. The most evident examples of this moral contest can be found in the attitudes National Socialism took to organized religion and the law. National Socialist institution was rooted in moral traditions that pre-dated dictatorship.

The moral plane of dictatorship was not an irrelevance, but a battleground between differing interpretations of justice and moral certainty.
Lord Raffles said:
Bump - there's no way the fucking commie thread gets more than the Nazi thread.

Communism is always treated more gently than Nazism, despite the fact that, of the two, it exacted the higher price. But there's no bias behind that, of course.
Sorry eloisel, but do you find what I've said wrong or something?

Justify yourself retard, or else keep out of things that go beyond your uneducated mind - I have no time for mediocrity.