Techman was browsing & IGnoring my PM's!!

WTF is up with that? Also, it is VERY rude to ignore a fellow posters PM's.

I just asked him a couple friendly questions about a subject I am researching & he blatantly IGNORED me! :pissed: !!

How mm can fuck a guy like this who is ill mannered is beyond me!


TAFKA Chadarnook
And not too long ago you were complaining of your male screws acting like girls . . . ;)


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Dude, it's not right to be screwing hardware. Wait... it is, with a tool. Wait... what are we talking about again?!
Speaking of HARDWARE, when the fuck is that movie coming out on dvd? I LOVE that movie! Dylan McDermott was AWESOME in it!!:)