Technological Annoyances

The Question

First, one you probably all know rather well: Windows Live Messenger. This fucking thing starts up EVERY time I log into Windows. Oh, I know, I know! "Just go into the options and uncheck the box that says, "Start up Windows Live Messenger when I log onto Windows."! Yeah, I did that. EIGHT FUCKING TIMES. It just doesn't care.

Next annoyance! The nVidia GeForce 8400 GS I paid $80 for just WILL NOT deliver anything resembling a decent framerate. On ANYTHING. Even scrolling web pages is choppy as shit. Now granted, I'm running it on the "recommended" power supply of 300 watts, but seriously. A friend of mine had a GeForce 7900 GT plugged into a fucking eMachines piece-of-shit, and nary a hiccup -- that lump of shit COULDN'T have had more than a 300 watt power supply. So what the fuck? How did an older GPU -- and even this computer's integrated goddamn chip -- outperform a newer, dedicated GPU?


Let's fuck some shit up
MSN fix: Go to the run command on your start menu and type "msconfig". Once there, go to startup tab. Scroll down until you see the msn messenger listing and uncheck the box on the left. Also, chances are, you're running a ton of crap you don't need. Google each individually and uncheck as needed.

That'll free up about 10-20% of your cpu drain on startup.

If you really feel like getting technical, go uncheck shit on your Services tab.

Even when I'm running msn, aim, and vuze at the same time I'm only using 3% of my cpu when idling.

I've found that using Process Explorer (windows task manager on steroids) helps to identify and eliminate pesky cpu-draining programs. <-it's free.

The Question

Well, I don't really care much about the resource drain of Live Messenger -- it's the fact that it doesn't do what ya fuckin' TELL it to do. Why even have that option in Messenger's fucking menu when eet eez zeh gogglez, duz nussing?

As for the second: took care of that one, too.

The Question

Yes. Yes, they are. The only reason we put up with them, really, is that they make it so much easier to look at pr0nz


that's the only reason to own a computer. porn.


Retired Account
everyone why are we reiterating what we all know computers are spazez with the key 2 all porn, but u ever notice how much more spazzy they get, the more u get them to unlock the door

The Question

It's already been the undoing of my fly.


Retired Account
and i cant undo the problems with my arthritis.