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Tennant's Doctor Who! Sci-Fi Friday!!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
For those U.S. viewers who haven't yet "acquired" Tennant's first run, these eps are MUST WATCH. "The Christmas Invasion" was just pretty good, but every episode from "New Earth" on is AWESOME. "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit" are not only the best Doctor Who episodes ever aired, but they're among the best sci-fi shows ever aired.

Don't miss out, people! I thought Eccleston was incredible, but Tennant is even better!
Dr Who took awhile to grow on me, but I really started to like it. And yay! Sci Fi Friday!
I thought Eccleston was perfect, and I hated the fact he only did one season. I was "upset" with Tennant at first. But Tennant is just plain perfect for the role! The last episode is quite sad, I'm just warning you.
Well, I love TV shows that make me cry.

I just read in the paper that NBC's Heroes will also air on Sci Fi Friday, after it's aired on NBC.
Haha.. well I usually watch the Sci Fi channel on Friday anyway, so one more show in their line up won't bother me.
I was very apprehensive about Tennant to begin with, I feared he'd be terrible., But I'd go as far as to say that he's better than Eccles. And the whole time he does a perfect English accent too
Yes and I don't understand why they dind't let him use his natural accent besides the obvious RACISM answer.
Because the day The Doctor has an accent (I mean non-British, but that's only an accent to us, not them) is the day the Queen takes over the world with Zombie Diana and Captain Britain.
Scotland is in Britain you silly American. He could've had a Scottish accent just fine. Eccles has his northern accent and the Tardis turns up in Cardiff(that's in Wales, another part of Britain) every week.