Troll Kingdom

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Tequila... make it a double!


Just another Sunday in the hood in Cleveland.... some days, I really hate people. As soon as I finish talking to the nice officer, I'm heading for home...
will someone alert the poolboys to have tequila ready?

I witnessed a couple of hypes attack a clerk at a stop-n-rob I was doing a theft audit on. I'm sure there is something ironic there somewhere....

Little did they know the Troll Queen herself was standing right there!!!!

I'm sorry you were there for that, I'm so glad you weren't hurt. KISS
Oh something tells me waving a .38 around while a dozen or so of Clevelands finest come charging in might not be such a good idea. I just thought it best to leave..... fast. My name is NOT miss-John-Wayne-manners.

You should have just said "Put down the cashier or your credit card numbers will be all over the internet by supper time." :D