Terminator: Salvation trailer


Boobie inspector
Still that was intriguing.

A terminator that doesn't know it is one?

Hunter killers that look like serenity?


Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
After the abortion that was T3, this movie needs to be fucking awesome. Looks like it will be. I trust C Bale, he's made some pretty solid choices throughout his career.


I want to smell dark matter
Like his choice not to stab that asshole lighting guy!


Is this real life?
I liked everything but the absurd bike stunt.


I want to smell dark matter
What's with the terminator who doesn't know he's a terminator? Is he going to bring peace between the humans and the terminators by being the first hybrid in an opera house or somethinG?


Is this real life?
More likely he'll convince the chief.. of helicopters that he's in love with her and they'll have many happy minutes together before he fucks off and betrays her.


I want to smell dark matter
I want to see helicopter sex.