
beer, I want beer
I have arrived bitches, fresh from my banning at Troll Valhalla! BWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa! Now, you must content with I! Please be warned, I so severely PWNed an Admin at Troll Valhalla that I was IP-banned. Could this be the next place to do the same? We shall see.


beer, I want beer
Who wishes to be the first to bow down before me in supplication? No Sarek, this does not mean you are required to suck my cock, no matter how much you wish it. However, I am willing and open to discussions regarding this matter. Perhaps if you offer to suck it dry, then I am open to negotiations.


beer, I want beer
nuff said...


OWNED! Another site tried the same troll, you dipshit. You want to see me? Well, here you go...


For ages, I had warned dumb motherfuckers like you I would take my picture one day, and post it. This would destroy your idiotic 3 year old troll, and it has. Time to move onto something new yes? Try again perhaps?

Gee, where is YOUR picture? Once again, OWNED. Now, put your mouth back around my cock, and start sucking hard, bitch.


I also found out that was a picture of your fat, baldheaded boyfriend up there. Many have told me this, and some say the have proof to back it up.


beer, I want beer
Once again, this shithole is quieter than Lenin's tomb. I just heard the pin drop off from VKD's old man diapers.


beer, I want beer
and a receding hairline - you tried Rogaine?


Someone's jealous, and desperate enough to work hard at reviving the oldest of troll attempts. Pissed that I am not at all what you thought I was, that I do not resemble your boyfriend up there?


Fuck, but I am a GOD!

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
That doesn't look like SaintLucifer at all. Here's the picture his mom gave me after I finished fucking her in the ass.


beer, I want beer
That doesn't look like SaintLucifer at all. Here's the picture his mom gave me after I finished fucking her in the ass.

You like asshole, yes? Most interesting that you would further introduce yourself to me by pointing out your penchant for faggotry. Is VKD your new boyfriend?


a treat for missmanners
little boy : mummy is god a girl or a boy?

mummy: why god is both girl and boy

little boy: mummy is god black or white?

mummy: why god is both black and white

little boy: mummy is god gay or strait?

mummy: why god is both gay and strait

little boy: mummy is god Michael Jackson?


Resident Smartarse
For such a homophobe, you sure like getting sucked off by guys. That's a sure sign of being, you guessed it, gay. To illustrate:

Gee, where is YOUR picture? Once again, OWNED. Now, put your mouth back around my cock, and start sucking hard, bitch.


Oh, I forgot. You're not Luci.

Shut up, Lilac.