The Cardboard Box


I love you
When she gets home she will either complain about
1. The cardboard box in the compost
2. It is too hot in the house
3. I should not have done the dishes (just kidding, she will not complain about this, but she will overlook it to complain about other things)
4. The biggest one-she will claim that I threw away too much food or something.


I love you
The fridge is terrible
I open it up and it fucking smells.
Fuck. I can't cook like this.
Every time I open the fridge it stinks, I don't want to eat. Hey! Maybe that is the point! LOL.
Anyway so I clean out the fridge.
And do you know what?!
More often than not-she fucking goes through the shit I threw out in the compost pile or in the trash and claims it is still good. WTF.
I accidently did throw away some good brocolli once-but that was once!!!!
There is no excuse for rotting food in the fridge!


Pinata Whacker
When she gets home she will either complain about
1. The cardboard box in the compost
2. It is too hot in the house
3. I should not have done the dishes (just kidding, she will not complain about this, but she will overlook it to complain about other things)
4. The biggest one-she will claim that I threw away too much food or something.

The biggest complaint I used to have when I lived with my brother is that he'd leave his clothes in the living room instead of taking the off in his room. His excuse? "I don't have a hamper." wtf? who cares. throw them on the floor of your room and shut the door. As long as they're out of the guest area.

Of course once we both gave up on taking out the trash, cleaning dishes, bathrooms, etc. I gave up comlaining about his dirty clothes in the living room.


I love you
@ Enk LOL That is what I should have done. I was just being lazy. It was cold outside and I was having the flu.