The Den of Ethics


I love you
Oh TK the Den of Ethics,

If somebody asked you to bid on an item in an auction to make it look like there were interest would you do it?

Is it a big deal? Or not a big deal?


My Stars!
To drive the price up? Yeah, that's been done before. The trick is to let them big high and leave them holding the bid.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I've done it for someone before but I felt like kind of an asshole. It was just a small amount though so I didn't feel like *too* much of an asshole.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I don't know, it would depend on the friend. And they'd better be prepared to pay for it if I got stuck with it. That's the risk they'd run asking me.


* * Filthy European * *
Who gives a fuck LOL


I want to smell dark matter
I'd big ONE PENNY more than the current bid.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
I frequent antique and estate auctions quite frequently. This happens all the time.

There are those that bid up their competitors so they get less of a profit. The new sneaky thing is bringing along a 'friend' or employee to bid up for them so that the competitor doesn't know who bid them up.

Myself, if I am outbid past my limit depending on how easy a read my competitor is I'll bid him up, especially if I know we are interested in an item that will be coming up later. Morally, I don't feel it's wrong as it could go either way. I could end up losing my shirt over an item, but I can also lower the amount of liquid assets of my competitor, increasing my chances of getting what I want. I've only bid on a few items that I had no interest in as a competitor was bidding on it, and so far I haven't lost.

To be frank, if you go to an auction expect dirty tactics as it seems to be the nature of the game. Morals are left at the door.

To answer your question, I'd do it. However, as Eggs said, they better have the funds ready in case it goes awry.


Forever Empress E
I've had people try to force me up on bidding. Lots of stuff I've left on the table for someone else to pony up on since they drove it up. There just isn't anything I want or need that bad.

And, yes, it is unethical.


I love you
I don't know, it would depend on the friend. And they'd better be prepared to pay for it if I got stuck with it. That's the risk they'd run asking me.

A reserve must be met, so I would not be stuck with it.

And @ Seph I give a fuck because I was asked to list something for work and then told to get all my friends with accounts and myself to bid on it.

I really don't care either way, I just want to know how badly it is frowned upon or not.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Personally, I also think it's unethical, so I wouldn't do it. But lots of people do.