The Door

If there a door is a standing alone ( without wall, building etc) can it still be called a door, does it still function as a door?
Chinese, Japanese, Dirty knees, look at these!

If there a door is a standing alone ( without wall, building etc) can it still be called a door, does it still function as a door?

What about a table without legs?

What about the doorknob? When it's removed from the door, is it just a knob?

How about rope. When it's tied, it's considered a knot. Why is it not considered a rope with a knot in it. Also, why is the knot in the rope? Why isn't it around the rope?

Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Why does cargo go by ship and shipments go by truck?

Why can't we divide by zero?

Why a duck? Why not a chicken? (10pts who can tell me where I got that one)