The Emissary's driving is not linear...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Just found this recent item on my old hometown paper's site. I missed the court date by just a few days!

Star Trek actor arrested for DUI in Wilton

By MATT COYNE Hour Staff Writer
Posted on 02/01/2012
The Hour Online

WILTON -- A Star Trek captain was arrested this past weekend for driving under the influence in Wilton.

Avery Brooks, 63, of 260 Christopher Drive in Princeton, N.J., was charged with DUI after police received a complaint about Brooks' driving, police said. According to police, Brooks was stopped around 10:07 p.m. on Sunday on Belden Hill Road near Seir Hill Road, and was found to be under the influence.

Brooks played Captain Benjamin Sisko on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," a TV series that ran from 1993 to 1999. He also played Dr. Bob Sweeney in "American History X."

Brooks has a Feb. 9 court date at Norwalk Superior Court.
Those are some twisty, curvy roads around there. Maybe he was lost trying to find the Route 7 connector to I-95, or the Merritt Parkway...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
DS9 will never be in widescreen. :(


Is this real life?
It'd look terrible if it was.

Somehow I'm not surprised Avery Brooks has been driving under the influence (of drugs, I'd guess). Did anyone see him in The Shat's "The Captains" documentary/drama? He came out with some really faaaaar out ideeeeaaaas, maaaaaaan. I mean, at one point he answered one of The Shat's questions merely by playing a few notes on the piano, which, to The Shat's credit, he managed to find an interpretation for so the interview didn't just end right then and there.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I saw that, and yeah, he was a total grape nut, but that sort of made sense to me. His true loves are theater, teaching drama, and jazz music. How "normal-acting" should we expect him to be?

Also, he probably decided that nobody on Trek could ever call him out for behaving like that since that time he heard Berman use the n-word.

"Oh, you're going to interrupt filming in the fire caves to bang out a couple of improvisations on the piano? That's great Avery! (Our attorneys advise us to say) Carry On!"


I want to smell dark matter
No one's made a "flying cars" reference.


RIP 1970~2018
No one has explained how it is a SF Capt. in good standing has been framed (obviously) by some as-of-yet unidentified conspiracy who's unknown constituent's managed to pull off some trumped up DUI charge.

Was he in good standing?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well he "died" in the fire caves with Gul Dukat so I'd say it was a pretty mean feat that he was driving at all.

(No I haven't read any post-show books so don't bust my chops about whatever allegedly happened to him since although maybe I am curious so go ahead JUST DON'T BE MEAN YOU, YOU SCHOOLBOYS YOU)


Pinata Whacker
Well he "died" in the fire caves with Gul Dukat so I'd say it was a pretty mean feat that he was driving at all.

(No I haven't read any post-show books so don't bust my chops about whatever allegedly happened to him since although maybe I am curious so go ahead JUST DON'T BE MEAN YOU, YOU SCHOOLBOYS YOU)

I think Sisko is hanging out with the wormhole prophet/aliens in the DS9 books. I think in one of the books I bought Jake goes out looking for him to try and bring him back home.


Is this real life?
I read the Millennium books but all I can remember is that Ezri's given command of a cruiser, which iirc gets blown up.

The curse of Trek's women drivers continues.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well she wasn't even a fully trained counselor by the end of the series, let alone gone through the command school that Troi did in S7. Her commanding a ship makes as much sense as Jake commanding one.



Is this real life?
Btw, I agree that the piano playing as an answer made sense in that context, but I was still quite impressed at The Shat managing to interpret and make sense out of it, when many others probably would've asked to stop shooting and take a break, so the interviewee could answer in plain English.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well, this is the man who can turn any classic song into a monologue, so you might say that he and Avery have very similar gifts/muses...

Or maybe they're just both drunks? :yes:


I want to smell dark matter
Ezri Dax was lovely.