The Evils of Infantaphobia

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
This one time, I must take my Christian brothers and sisters to task over a serious subject.

Infantaphobis is a serious issue for any person who is an Adult Baby, or a Mommy raising Adult Babies. The irrational hatred expressed by those who have attacked our community, and the Churches unwillingness to stand up to this form of bigotry is quite disgusting.

In a very real sense, I and my babies might be the subject of a hate crime. We don't break the law, we just live a different lifestyle. Yet, the massess of sinners, and yes, even my deceived bretheren and sisters refuse to stand up for what is right and express their opposition to Inftaphobia.

First, there is nothing to fear from us. Were not interested in your kids. Were not in any shape or form pedophiles, nor supporters of pedophillia. We find that, as you do, a disgusting, sinful practice and we most certainly agree such individuals should be incarcerated for it.

Second, some of us, such as I, do not find Infantalism sexual. I have a regular boyfriend. My motives are simply that I grew attached to these two individuals, and as I got to know them it came into my heart to give them the maternal care they craved. In no way do I consider it sexual.

Third, I would ask that those who disagree with our lifestyle to stop attacking our sites. It is because of this reason I have no sympathy, none at all, for your complaints. If you didn't support as a society these fools, there wouldn't be the fear, ignorance and stupidity these bigots express.

Since you DO support, them by your silence and also probably doing it as well, I have no empathy for you. None. Zip. This is the society you swine have created and this is the hater and fear you encourage by your silencse and tacit approval. So do not bother complaining to me.

In conclusion, in many places such as Myspace, and others, the sinners and some hate filled Christian bretheren and sisters have attacked our community, expressing wild and quite shocking allegations. I therefore will make it my policy to in turn target YOUR websites.

Shame on the Christian community for supporting Infantaphobia
Shame on any of you who have attacked us on MySpace and elsewhere.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Suck on a rancid Pampers, slut.


Forever Empress E
Troll Kingdom is a Christian Community?