The future seen in the 1960's


Can I have Ops?
Saw this and thought it was incredible. I commission illustration quite a bit and the quality is good - but wow! Very interesting peek by the "United States Steel" company.

Also interesting for me as I am slowly making my way through the entire Hugo award winning Sci Fi book list and am reading a lot of 1960's science fiction.

Dennis Bille one day came around with a quite large set of folders and unpacked these wonderfull illustrations. Obviously they once were give-a-ways from "United States Steel International" to show, how the future might look like - from a early 60s perspective. Dennis Bille got these folders from a retired designer as a gift for helping to close down his office. what a symbolic story!

Press slideshow when you get there.


Is this real life?
Really interesting illustrations, will have to take a closer look later. I love the style of these sorts of visions of the future. The designs are always slightly zany, but somehow very believable. And you always see them in the context of day to day life, with people interacting with them. Not just cold 'beauty shots' of military hardware. Good old Syd Mead. :) Very similar to Andrew Probert's work, actually. I think they worked together a few times.


I want to smell dark matter
I wish the future (now) really did look cool.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Those are Freakin' AWESOME! I'll have to forward that link to all the project managers I know in Commercial and Residential Construction.

I've looked at a lot of plans and renderings in my job, and the funniest thing is that when architects do renderings, they idealize everything. For example, I've seen renderings for strip malls in suburban Pittsburgh where the architect has drawn Ferraris and Porsches in the parking lot, and supermodel types on the sidewalks. It's pretty funny.


Is this real life?
The worse thing is when they make the glass always look lovely and blue, when in reality it ends up being a horrible dingy grey colour.