On the contrary, gravity is something felt. We are just used to it. Go into an atmosphere with less gravity or more gravity, and you will feel something. Ergo, phbbbbbbbtttttttttt to your argument
Two points:
1. I was talking to wizer about *him* feeling gravity, not some astronauts or scientists. Since there are not too many people who actually get the chance to experience lower or higher gravity levels than high-handed
the one we are accustomed to, I took the liberty to assume he hasn't, either. The lack of experiencing a difference results in not feeling it at all. You may be influenced by it, but you do not consciously feel it. Thus, my argument stands.
2. You're right: you'd feel 'something'. Now we get to the really interesting question: Where did you get your 'knowledge' that it's
gravity you are feeling? Who taught you about the source of this feeling, and what it exactly is?
Unless you are an autodidactic genius in physics, my guess is you've learned it from a third party, that is: fellow humans. Have you gone through the motions necessary to verify this knowledge? Did you study physics, went into space, and experimented to prove once and for all the universal validity of what they told you? No?
Well, then I guess it all boils down to you simply believing them.
Now, how is that different from believing some people who say that the reason why stuff falls down is because there is this God dude who has invented the universe and found it neat to organize it in the way you can see, feel, smell, and hear it?
Both kinds of knowledge are belief systems. You listen to the stories those people tell you, and you decide which story you find more likely, or explains the world better for you. Hey, you can even decide to change your belief system whenever you want to, ain't that great?
Why am I babbling about this? Because I find it incredibly high-handed and idiotic to see representatives from both belief systems mocking or trying to proselytize each other. Accepting and understanding that another person lives with a different belief system which is just as valid as any other would be one hell of a step to end a lot of really boring discussions and/or bloody wars, imo.
(aka: Believe what you want, but please don't shove it down my throat kthxbai)