Registered User

(I totally stole this post from NeoGAF)

In Epic Yarn, Kirby can't copy abilities and he can't fly, but he has a variety of forms he can transform into. They are called "Transformations". There's a total of 16 of those in the game. Here's some of them.

Submarine : As soon Kirby enters in the water, he goes into this form.
Dolphin : Kirby can swift faster in this form. He can also jump through hoops, swim up waterfalls and bounce beads on its nose.

Parachute : In this form. Kirby goes into a slow fall. You can transform into this form at any moment by tapping the 2 button twice.
Rocket : Kirby can destroy enemies by shooting stars at them and fly around in rocket form in a similar manner to Space Invaders.

Fire Engine : Kirby can put the fire out in this form including fire enemies.
Tankbot : Kirby becomes this once he picks up a certain powerup. It can hover, has light-up eyes, and can shoot Missiles. When there are 2 players it has a boxing glove as well, and it seems that, instead of piloting the tankbot, Kirby becomes the tankbot while Prince Fluff pilots it.