The iPhone


I'm torn. The new version sounds great, and the price is right.

But do I really want to be locked into AT&T when most of my fam and friends have Verizon?



That company wont unlock it?
Buying it outright would be a better option.


Let's fuck some shit up
Apparently the folks down at the Mac server department didn't prepare for the upsurge in hits on the iTunes Store's website and now there's glitches in activating the phones. Why are people so obsessed with having something first? I mean, in two weeks thousands of other assholes will have the g3 and you sitting in line to get one means all of jack shit. What douchebags... :roll:


I lost my iPod charger during my recent vacation, and went to the Apple Store today to get a new one, forgetting that today was D-Day. At 1 PM, there were hundreds of people lined up in the mall. I couldn't get into the store to buy my charger. Meh. I'll buy it tomorrow.

But didn't these freaks line up last year, when the first gen iPhone came out? And didn't Jobs reduce the price by $200 a few months afterwards? I know he gave a $100 rebate to the line sitters, but they were still out $100.

And the AT&T thing really bugs me. I think I'll just wait till I can purchase my provider of choice. If that never happens, there are other, comparable phones out there.

I'm just not willing to pay upwards of $70 a month for a provider that's forced on me, when the majority of people I know use something else.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
iPhone = pwned :D