The Israeli Foreign Ministry's logo looks exactly like an evil empire's logo should


Registered User

That's all.
It's a fair point.

Fuck Israel. They're no better than terrorists themselves.
Actually, I imagine this thread was prompted by that particular example of them being evil. And at about the same time a reasonably sized demonstration was brewing outside Downing Street, among other things.
Actually, I imagine this thread was prompted by that particular example of them being evil. And at about the same time a reasonably sized demonstration was brewing outside Downing Street, among other things.

Hey, I had just woken up. It takes me at least half-an-hour to get my bearings and start to realize the painfully obvious.
Actually it looks like two penises sneaking up on two unsuspecting asses..."Here come the Jews; someone's getting screwed!"

They should put that on their flag.
Hey, I had just woken up. It takes me at least half-an-hour to get my bearings and start to realize the painfully obvious.

No worries. The Sun article was interesting. Surprisingly pro-innocent-aid-ships compared to the Murdochracy's other outlets.
Who knows the truth here. I just think Israel is EXTREMELY BAD at p.r. Also that the Palestinians are basically fucked except for 50 years down the road when they outnumber the Israelis 50:1
Yeah, they are hilariously bad at PR. Like they released that video of their soldiers getting chucked off the boat and beaten, like a deleted scene from a Home Alone movie. What? They thought we'd side with the bad guys? Personally, I'm quite impressed that the people on the boat were able to fend off professional killers for so long.