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The Magic Dwarves Always have the Right Answers


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Umm...O.K. :smfundecided:

Judge who talked to dwarves wants to be chief justice

By Dona Pazzibugan Philippine Daily Inquirer 02/05/2010

MANILA, Philippines—A former trial court judge who was dismissed for consulting “mystic dwarves” during trials has applied for the post of chief justice of the Supreme Court.

Former Malabon Regional Trial Court Judge Florentino Floro Jr. personally submitted his application Thursday with the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) before it closed the filing of nominations for the successor to Chief Justice Reynato Puno, who will retire on May 17.

As he presented his application, Floro made it an express condition that the JBC should submit his name “only to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, that is, not to the next prime minister or president, as the case may be.”

The Supreme Court dismissed Floro from the bench in 2006 after he admitted consulting mystic dwarves named Armand, Luis and Angel during “healing sessions” in his chambers.

In sacking Floro for incompetence and bias, the high court said psychic phenomena had no place in the judiciary. It also called attention to a medical finding that said Floro had psychosis.

In the 26-page application he submitted to the JBC, Floro affixed a photograph of himself with bills of money hanging down his neck and standing beside a toy stuffed dwarf.

Floro, describing himself in the third person, said he was a “visionary and prophet.”

“He has accurately predicted in his ‘Angel of Death’ 1996 and other editions, more than 800 dire prophecies with impeccability. Since 2008, he had been bestowed more than 21 visions and apparitions of May and the Eucharist with vivid images and unequivocal messages duly filed with this Court of last resort,” he said.

He also claimed that he had accurately predicted in writing the downfall of former President Joseph Estrada in 2001, the heart surgery of former Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr. in 2002 and the Nov. 23, 2009 Maguindanao massacre.