The Man With the Iron Fists


Forever Empress E
I love the Kill Bill movies.
It is obvious that the driving force behind The Man With the Iron Fists is a big fan of Quentin Tarantino.
And, like lots of movies of this genre, there are so many undeveloped characters that come out of nowhere that at times the movie is a little on the nonsensical side.
However, the plot is simple. "You killed my _______" and/or "You took my ______" and now "you must die!"
The rest is window dressing.

Going in knowing that it is a fest of how many ways to kill a person and make blood and body parts fly helps.

Lucy Liu's character is almost as delicious as her character in the Kill Bill movie.

Dave Bautista - oh, my. Hollywood needs more vehicles to let this guy walk around and be large and in charge and flex and stuff.

Russel Crowe - yes, he is older, pretty plump, and seemingly a bit full of himself but he was fun as Jack Knife.

One of those movies that doesn't require thinking about. Probably best if you don't. Just enjoy the ride. At least it didn't pull the rug out from under me at the end and depress me to the point I had to go shopping at Walmart.