The Mine Field Reunion 2024: Friday the 4th of October!


I want to smell dark matter
It's that time again. And this time, I'm not taking no for an answer. They're all coming back. Yes, even BADGERPOSTER38.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
There is a hurricane conspiring against the reunion! :rwmad:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Wait, the hurricane is this week, the reunion is next week. THE REUNION IS SAFE.


I want to smell dark matter
I wnat to prove the ongoing viability of message board as a means of communication. I miss everyone who doesn't post here anymore and will argue passionately for them to return. I appreciate those who still visit regularly and hope they put their "posting hats" on at Reunion time to show the returnees that the MF has "still got it" and maybe they could post about tv shows and movies and cats and stuff here.

I really believe in this and will be dedicating the majority of my brain power to it for the next 13 days.

Any help hunting down the missing posters would be greately appreciated.

Dr Dave

I wnat to prove the ongoing viability of message board as a means of communication. I miss everyone who doesn't post here anymore and will argue passionately for them to return. I appreciate those who still visit regularly and hope they put their "posting hats" on at Reunion time to show the returnees that the MF has "still got it" and maybe they could post about tv shows and movies and cats and stuff here.

I really believe in this and will be dedicating the majority of my brain power to it for the next 13 days.

Any help hunting down the missing posters would be greately appreciated.
Dr Dave to debut new avatar for the MFR?


I want to smell dark matter
That's the kind of radical thinking we need!

Dr Dave

That's the kind of radical thinking we need!

Canadian Dancing GIF by gunnarolla


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Does anyone have secret contact info on FBI Parte Due?