The New Anti-Semitism

Red Whacker

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The Holocaust, in which over six million Jews were brutally murdered by the Nazis and their enthusiastic collaborators, happened over 60 years ago. So terrific were the events that — even today, about two generations later — nobody would wish to identify himself with them. Yet, a new anti-Semitism is now rearing its head. It is important to be aware of it.

Who are the new anti-Semites?

The new anti-Semites do not publicly proclaim their desire to bring about a second Holocaust or to subject the Jews to mass murder or annihilation. The hatred is aimed against the state of Israel, which, according to the new anti-Semites, represents all that is evil in the world and which is the main violator of human rights and guilty of virtually every other abuse that can be conceived. This poison is now so widespread that a poll taken in Europe not too long ago found Israel to be the greatest menace to the peace of the world — far ahead of such murderous regimes as those of Iran or of North Korea.

The leaders and instigators of this new anti-Semitism are concentrated on the political left, its most active and vocal spokesmen being found in our prestige universities. Such is the anti-Zionist (anti-Semitic) focus of the left that, almost incomprehensibly, it includes a fair number of Jewish professors and other “intellectuals,†not just here in the United States, but even in Israel itself.

Those on the extreme left call for the abolition of the State of Israel outright, although they do not tell us what they propose to do with the five million Israeli Jews. They would presumably be left to the tender mercies of the Arabs, who would, of course, have no greater joy than to emulate or perhaps even to “improve†on the Nazi model and to give “final solution(!) to the Jewish problem†once and for all. That isn’t going to happen, of course, not because anybody in the world would lift a finger to prevent it, but because, fortunately, Israel is a very strong and most capable nation.

A death wish for Israel. In deference to “world opinion†and also to the wishes of the United States, Israel has allowed itself to be pressured into innumerable concessions to those who are sworn to destroy it. But it seems clear that, when the chips are really down, a most decisive response on the part of Israel can be expected. With the possible exception of Carthage during the Punic Wars, almost 2500 years ago, no country in the world, no country in recorded history, has ever been threatened with extinction. Israel is the one exception. Fueled by the extreme left, the “legitimacy†of Israel is a constant topic of discussion. The abolition of the “Zionist entity†gets serious attention, even in the hallowed halls of the United Nations. Iran feverishly pursues the Holy Grail of atomic weapons. Its president has publicly declared — not once, but repeatedly — that Israel is a “tumor†that must be excised and that it must be wiped off the map of the world. Medium-range missiles (so far, fortunately without atomic warheads) are being paraded through the streets of Teheran, with signs attached to them, shamelessly giving their destination as Jerusalem. A few eyebrows are being raised around the world, but otherwise nothing is being done about it.

Because the memory of the Nazi Holocaust still lingers after all these years, the new anti-Semitism is disguised as the socially more acceptable “anti-Zionism.†It is pursued and propagated by the radical left. Every leftist demonstration — be it about the war in Iraq, against globalization, for or against whatever else — does inevitably include appeals against “Israeli subjugation of the Palestinians,†the “occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel,†or simply asks for the elimination of Israel. Sadly, quite a few Jews, having been saturated with leftism from their early years, participate in such demonstrations.

While the propagation of the new anti-Semitism by prestige universities started in Europe (mostly in England), it has found fertile ground in the universities of the United States. The active participation in the new anti-Semitism by the American clergy (beginning with the Presbyterians) is a scandalous reality.Surely, not everybody who criticizes Israel is an anti-Semite. The actions of Israel, just as the actions of any other countries, are subject to examination and criticism. But the viciousness, volume and consistency of this criticism against Israel is such that it cannot be considered as anything but anti-Semitism — the new anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism. The foolish professors and the hypocritical preachers are besotted by their leftism and by their hatred against Israel and America. Overt vilification of America has to remain muted — it’s somewhat dangerous to be too outspoken about it — but Israel, perceived as the satrap and the handmaiden of the United States in the Middle East, is an easy target. Nobody should be fooled. Anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism in whichever way it may be disguised.

The Holocaust, in which over six million Jews were brutally murdered by the Nazis and their enthusiastic collaborators, happened over 60 years ago. So terrific were the events that — even today, about two generations later — nobody would wish to identify himself with them. Yet, a new anti-Semitism is now rearing its head. It is important to be aware of it.

"Here we intend to describe a new and terrible evil which should be derailed by any means necessary, including violence."

Who are the new anti-Semites?

"Now that we've got you up in arms, we shall name your targets."

The new anti-Semites do not publicly proclaim their desire to bring about a second Holocaust or to subject the Jews to mass murder or annihilation.

"These people don't actually want to hurt anyone. Nevertheless, they are the apostates of Hell itself."

The hatred is aimed against the state of Israel, which, according to the new anti-Semites, represents all that is evil in the world and which is the main violator of human rights and guilty of virtually every other abuse that can be conceived.

"These devils, these very demons of the lake of fire, say that the Israeli government is the world's foremost human rights violator."

Well, it may not be the world's foremost, but according to a mere partial list from between 1955 and 1992, it is most certainly a top contender.

This poison is now so widespread that a poll taken in Europe not too long ago found Israel to be the greatest menace to the peace of the world — far ahead of such murderous regimes as those of Iran or of North Korea.

"It was in a poll. Really. Which one? Why do you need to know that?"

The leaders and instigators of this new anti-Semitism are concentrated on the political left, its most active and vocal spokesmen being found in our prestige universities.

"Which universities? Uh... that's on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know."

Such is the anti-Zionist (anti-Semitic)...

"They're the same thing. If you hate Israel's government, you hate Jewish people." (And if you hate George W. Bush, does that mean you hate all Americans?)

...focus of the left that, almost incomprehensibly, it includes a fair number of Jewish professors and other “intellectuals,” not just here in the United States, but even in Israel itself.

"We're not sure why, but even people who are here and can see our government's actions right on their own doorsteps say it violates peoples' human rights."

Those on the extreme left call for the abolition of the State of Israel outright, although they do not tell us what they propose to do with the five million Israeli Jews.

"Because we're really interested in listening to their ideas. No, really."

They would presumably be left to the tender mercies of the Arabs, who would, of course, have no greater joy than to emulate or perhaps even to “improve” on the Nazi model and to give “final solution(!) to the Jewish problem” once and for all.

"They're the boogeyman. BOOGEDY BOOGEDY BOOGEDY! AAAAAAAAAH! Scared you, didn't we!"

That isn’t going to happen, of course, not because anybody in the world would lift a finger to prevent it, but because, fortunately, Israel is a very strong and most capable nation.

"Yes, we're very independent and powerful, thanks to the United States taxpayer, not to mention the Congress which as supplied us, cumulatively, with over 1.6 trillion US dollars and a military arsenal unmatched by any other nation on this particular patch of the planet."

A death wish for Israel.

"BOOGEDY BOOGEDY! Ha, got you again!"

In deference to “world opinion” and also to the wishes of the United States, Israel has allowed itself to be pressured into innumerable concessions to those who are sworn to destroy it.

"'World opinion' just means that pretty much everybody thinks we're bullies. But they'll change their tunes... or else!"

But it seems clear that, when the chips are really down, a most decisive response on the part of Israel can be expected.

"Or ELSE!!!"

With the possible exception of Carthage during the Punic Wars, almost 2500 years ago, no country in the world, no country in recorded history, has ever been threatened with extinction.

"Don't mention that time the World Jewish Congress was pushing for Germany to be 'utterly destroyed.' It doesn't count when we do it."

Israel is the one exception. Fueled by the extreme left, the “legitimacy” of Israel is a constant topic of discussion.

"But we'll put a stop to that, eventually."

The abolition of the “Zionist entity” gets serious attention, even in the hallowed halls of the United Nations.

"Not really. They just pointed out a bunch of kinda shady stuff we DIDN'T DO! WE DIDN'T DO IT! Um... wait. Shit. Well, we did do it, but... ehhh... WE HAD TO! YEAH, WE HAD TO DO IT!"

Iran feverishly pursues the Holy Grail of atomic weapons.

"Yeah... see, here's what it is. We get to have 'em. Nobody else. 'Kay? All those times we invaded our neighbors and stole their shit, well... we had to do that. We needed lebensraum, y'know? What, I can't say that? Oh. Uh... oh, shit. Okay, um... yeah, moving on. Boogedy boogedy?"

Its president has publicly declared — not once, but repeatedly — that Israel is a “tumor” that must be excised and that it must be wiped off the map of the world.

"It's nadda toomah! I loved that movie! Oh, man! Oh... right."

Medium-range missiles (so far, fortunately without atomic warheads) are being paraded through the streets of Teheran, with signs attached to them, shamelessly giving their destination as Jerusalem.

"Really, we promise! They really did that! Our missiles? Um... we're not talking about that."

A few eyebrows are being raised around the world, but otherwise nothing is being done about it.


Because the memory of the Nazi Holocaust still lingers after all these years, the new anti-Semitism is disguised as the socially more acceptable “anti-Zionism.”

"The old pony needs new horsehoes. Criticizing the government is the same as genocide. It really is. Really."

It is pursued and propagated by the radical left. Every leftist demonstration — be it about the war in Iraq, against globalization, for or against whatever else — does inevitably include appeals against “Israeli subjugation of the Palestinians,” the “occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel,” or simply asks for the elimination of Israel.

"Anybody who points out the government's rule-breaking is EVIL! EVIL EVIL EVIL! BOOGEDY BOOGEDY!"

Sadly, quite a few Jews, having been saturated with leftism from their early years, participate in such demonstrations.

"Our whistleblowers are EVIL too! BOOGEDY, BUBBALEH!"

While the propagation of the new anti-Semitism by prestige universities started in Europe (mostly in England), it has found fertile ground in the universities of the United States.
The active participation in the new anti-Semitism by the American clergy (beginning with the Presbyterians) is a scandalous reality.[/quote]

"The brainwashing is wearing off. Drat!"

Surely, not everybody who criticizes Israel is an anti-Semite. The actions of Israel, just as the actions of any other countries, are subject to examination and criticism. But the viciousness, volume and consistency of this criticism against Israel is such that it cannot be considered as anything but anti-Semitism — the new anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism.

"They're not yelling all the time just 'cause we're breaking the rules all the time. THEY JUST HATE US! WAH!"

The foolish professors and the hypocritical preachers are besotted by their leftism and by their hatred against Israel and America.

"'Cause Israel and America are the same thing, y'know."

Overt vilification of America has to remain muted — it’s somewhat dangerous to be too outspoken about it — but Israel, perceived as the satrap and the handmaiden of the United States in the Middle East, is an easy target.

"No, really! Our government is their bitch! Heh heh heh!"

Nobody should be fooled.

"But we hope like hell you will be..."

Anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism in whichever way it may be disguised.

"Anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism in whichever way we choose to define it. And don't you forget it."
With the possible exception of Carthage during the Punic Wars, almost 2500 years ago, no country in the world, no country in recorded history, has ever been threatened with extinction.
Utter and complete BS. It takes me several minutes to come up with a nation that I suspect hasn't been threatened with extinction.

And, on second thought, I'm pretty certain people have proposed wiping Monaco off the map. "It's a small country," they said. "Why not just make it part of France?"
I especially like the part where it says that it's the leftists who are against globlalization. That's just fucking hilarious.
The Question said:
I especially like the part where it says that it's the leftists who are against globlalization. That's just fucking hilarious.
To almost any genuine leftist, globalization is all about the financial enslavement/exploitation of poorer nations by megacorporations. It's about debt loads, forcing trade terms down less cooperative nations' throats, getting a few tycoons very rich, and breaking the power of organized labor.

It's one of those "go far enough right/left and you start meeting back in the middle" sorts of things, like how neither of us approves of the US's current relationship with Israel. We disagree slightly on the cause of that relationship, and its nature, but we both hate the status quo.
That may be true -- but if it is, I've so far seen or heard from a disappointingly small number of what you refer to as 'genuine' leftists.
The Question said:
That may be true -- but if it is, I've so far seen or heard from a disappointingly small number of what you refer to as 'genuine' leftists.
The far left gets fairly little airtime... and generally has other issues we feel are in more urgent need for more drastic action.

Fixing the immigration system is a complex issue, and one there's a lot of disagreement among the far left about how to fix. I could throw out quotes from a current/recent discussion on The Proletariat Coalition's boards to demonstrate that; lots of disagreements as to what exactly should be done. (And that's a relatively politically unified region from NationStates. Granted, almost all of us agree it's the greedy capitalist pigs' fault, but as to what should be the solution... that breaks down a bit.)

Most of the solutions would require a lot of airtime to explain, and of the vast variety of solutions espoused on the topic, few have any significant slice of "block" support. It's an issue of some concern, but the fact that the far left isn't chanting "Wall! Wall! Wall!" in unison makes it rather hard to hear.

Actually, the fact the far left almost never assemble to chant in unison on anything is another reason why the genuine far left is poorly heard... that, and the Cold War tradition of political rhetoric in the mainstream.
Well, I'm no big fan of the far left, myself. In my experience (and I do have some) they tend to be just as obsessed with the trappings and jargon of a destructive and destroyed political ideology as the idiot skinheads who put on brownshirts and go "Sieg Heil"ing around. That's not to say there aren't some truly intelligent people in both camps, but the fanatics, the idiots and the rebels without a clue are the ones who tend to get all the media attention, at least on the right.

One thing is for certain, and I'm confident that you can agree with me at least on this -- pandering doesn't work. Amnesty won't work -- it's already been tried, and not only did it fail, it made (or helped to make, let's at least agree on that) the original problem even bigger.

Military border enforcement, combined with severe sanctions against businesses who break the law by hiring illegally and sanctions against officials who refuse to defend American security while hypocritically violating American rights in the name of that security. Surely the hypocrisy of spying on American citizens "for security reasons" while at the same time tacitly endorsing an open-borders policy has to have struck even you.
TJHairball said:
To almost any genuine leftist, globalization is all about the financial enslavement/exploitation of poorer nations by megacorporations. It's about debt loads, forcing trade terms down less cooperative nations' throats, getting a few tycoons very rich, and breaking the power of organized labor.
I'm a leftist myself, and I agree with you. Why shouldn't business owners be made to feel bad for taking their work overseas, if Americans don't want to do it and they can get "slave labor" from people who'llaccept less pay? I would in a heartbeat.
Lou The Beagle said:
Why shouldn't business owners be made to feel bad for taking their work overseas, if Americans don't want to do it and they can get "slave labor" from people who'llaccept less pay? I would in a heartbeat.

The "Americans don't want to do it" line is an excuse, nothing more. There are plenty of Americans who might want very much to do those jobs -- if those jobs could be had. But as long as those jobs can't be had, there's nothing on which to base the statement that Americans don't want them. And since the people who claim Americans don't want them are generally the people who gain by Americans not having them, that statement needs to be taken with a lion's share of salt.
The Question said:
Military border enforcement, combined with severe sanctions against businesses who break the law by hiring illegally and sanctions against officials who refuse to defend American security while hypocritically violating American rights in the name of that security. Surely the hypocrisy of spying on American citizens "for security reasons" while at the same time tacitly endorsing an open-borders policy has to have struck even you.
I'm not particularly fond of the unwarranted spying. Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither, and will likely lose both.

What I'm in mind of is amnesty for testimony. One of the main obstacles to prosecuting those who employ illegals in illegal conditions (note: this should carry very stiff penalties, as being doubly illegal) is that the illegal workers themselves are typically unwilling to testify for fear of being deported.

Offer temporary work visas to those willing to testify in court, ramp penalties and enforcement up, and you'll drop the willingness of employers to employ illegals through the floor. In fact, those same corporate interests are going to start clamoring for increased border security, increased prosecution for those forging documents, etc etc.
Okay, a temporary amnesty -- let's say a "judicial visa" -- for those who testify against their former employers might be acceptable, but it should be subject to conditions which would impose serious penalties for overstaying or any offense committed under it, for example unlicensed driving, DUI and on up.