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The Newest Immigration thread


New member
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Maybe if lazy America didn't treat those jobs with such disdain, and if those jobs paid more than below-poverty-level wages, we wouldn't have to consider such preposterous notions.
The reason the jobs pay below-poverty-level wages is because companies pay the illegal workers less. What happened to the job standards Americans worked so hard to elevate? I don't see how the problem originates from 'lazy America,' but rather, the availability of cheap, third-world labor.
The unceasing propaganda directed toward the American worker would have us believe that workers are lazy, greedy, and unwilling to work hard. This however, is just another lie to justify the wholesale relocation and the outsourcing of once-American jobs overseas.

Americans, we are told, do not want to clean toilet bowls, or do hard labor of any sort, and this is why the illegal immigrants are taking our jobs. This is of course a total lie. Americans do not have a problem getting their hands dirty -- they do however dislike being exploited.

Americans don't know who they are anymore

Is what this article states false?
You know me better than that. I never respond unless I read it.

I live in a world that calls bullshit on stuff like this, Mess. I can almost see the ignorance seething through it.

It's racism disguised as patriotism. I know this, because I live in the middle of a landlocked almost all white state, and the only black people we have of any kind we have to fucking import from other countries.

The reason this article rings false is because my area could be considered a microcosm for this type of behavior. You could make 450 a week doing housekeeping, but say that changing beds is "denigrating", and then complain when the company finally hires "legals" at 7 an hour because they have to

If you have dirty rooms, or dirty dishes there's simply no service. I've changed enough beds and washed enough dishes when staffing was low to know what that means.
jack said:
It's racism disguised as patriotism. I know this, because I live in the middle of a landlocked almost all white state, and the only black people we have of any kind we have to fucking import from other countries.
Ok... I don't know what you mean by 'have to import.' Do you think that no one would do these jobs if it weren't for immigrants coming over and doing them? Could you elaborate on what's racist about this?