The Powers of Darkness Are in Retreat!

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R
Greetings, Citizens!

I am happy to tell you that the foul Forces of Darkness are in retreat before the glorious and ever victorious Lord's Holy Armies of Righteousness. Presently we are working on pacifying Western Jesusland (formerly California).
Despite sad and pathetic attempts to stop us, we have conquered Fagsan Frisco and are swiftly turning the city into a Biblical Reeducation Camp for the homosexuals that live there. We know you are pleased with this news, since you all are loyal, devout citizens of Jesusland.
We also are moving in on the Mormons. We plan on setting up Biblical Reeducation Camps near Salt Lake City, where we will convert them to the True Faith of the Jesusland Bible Church. I know you are overjoyed to hear about the outstanding victories we are having over the Mormons. Just last night, we were able to have many bonfires of the Book of Mormon, to the great joy and happiness of all Citizens of Jesusland.

well that's all, Citizens. I will see you in Jesusland Bible Church next Sunday (that is if you don't want to be arrested!)


Resident Smartarse
What Mommy Bridgette doesn't realize is that the LDS membership know the Bible better than mainstream Christians. Hilarious, that.


Holy Roman Emperor
Maybe I should get some obsessed 40K fans to deal with Squirtle. Their loud faith in the Emperor or the Chaos Gods is just as annoying as his faith in Judeo-Christian God.


RIP 1970~2018
I remember the last time I went to a Powers of Darkness retreat. What a lot of fun. Great workshops. Very informational.


Pinata Whacker
You mean those pointy white ones? When I pulled the mask down on mine I couldn't see. And it had the eye holes in the back. Yeah, those were cool.

I forgot to bring the pinata but it was great to see that black guy "volunteer" to be the pinata. I don't know if hanging by your neck was a smart move though. I would have chosen my hands or feet.


RIP 1970~2018
I forgot to bring the pinata but it was great to see that black guy "volunteer" to be the pinata. I don't know if hanging by your neck was a smart move though. I would have chosen my hands or feet.

Somewhere in Canada Luci is getting a hardon.