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The Race Card


New member
I emailed Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition, Al Sharpton and several other Negro Organizations with my report. I axed them to investigate my findings since several black people are involved in my investigation, I have identified at least two black people who are instrumental in trying to ruin me, one of them possibly behind the "gassing" and death threats I received. I told them to put their money where their mouths are. I am a white woman who was abused and ruined personally/professionally/financially by malicious black people.
I did not limit this to blacks since white people started this whole thing, black people jumped on it, Jews, Muslims, gays, Asians and everyone else. This was an equal opportunity collective malicious act.
This is what pisses me off about black people when they jump on their high horses when a white person makes a racist remark. Al Sharpton is one of the biggest racists I can think of. This does NOT further the makes race relations worse.

I am an equal opportunity racist in that I do not discriminate against any race or religion. If you do bad things to other people, if you say bad things about other shouldn't matter the color of your skin, your nationality, your religion. I have dissed WHITES more than anyone, but let me dare go into what blacks have done to me...............I know who the black people are. I know their real names, I do not know their user names on this board but if I really want to know...............I WILL FIND OUT. It will not surprize me to find out some of the most horrendous things that have been done to me are by a black man who has abused his position of power.

Take that eloisel................get off your fucking high horse. I ain't buying it. Bring on the entourage...............bring on the Rainbow Coalition. You assholes think I am crazy??? The real crazy people are going to pay a real crazy price when this is finished and I am going to finish it. Make NO mistake about it.

A sista won't be able to run a game on me. I know how to play it as well if not better than you.

Try Me.

What kind of race issue do you people think I could make out of my case??? It would make the Imus "race" issue look pretty fucking tame.

Especially since one of your administrators who was running this board at the time all of the harassment escalated, all of the libel, all of the criminal acts committed and where aided/abetted were by people other than WHITES. I'm talking about an administrator who is an Afro-American and another who is Hispanic.

Talk about your blatant civil liberties and constitutional rights violations. They thought NOTHING about mine.

Alex Buchet said:
You really believe that Jews control the Knights Templar, Citibank, and the Vatican? LOL!
There is a connection between the Jews and the Knights Templar. That is a FACT.
CitiBank........all I know about them is they buy information from universities about who their graduates are. I learned this when I graduated from a technological university and was offered a Gold card from CitiBank that had the TN Tech logo on it. Universities sell your personal information to banks for a profit without your knowledge. I called them out on it. I guess they feel they haven't milked enough out of you with tuition and books so they SELL your information to banks when you graduated.........hence the Gold credit card offers. I wrote my university a letter telling them I had not given them permission to sell my information for a profit to anyone and not to do it again.

I sure as hell wouldn't play DarthSikle!!!! Did you guys know he is the #1 poker winner?? This guy is winning some serious money in this whole online gambling stuff!!!

OMG!!! Where do you you find the time to do all this stuff???? I think you are an overachiever..................and you are 27???? I thought you are in your late 30's???

Where is Gagh?? I like him!! I demand Gagh and his spam return!! Did you guys ban him?

Who are you guys talking about??

Have you guys seen that gnome figurine in the new expedia commericial?? The one where the guy walks to the pool in a thong and the gnome grosses out?

I am taking bets on many people think he lost all the emails Congress is axing he release?? I decided to send them another one as a courtesy in case they lost it. I also axed them to respond so I will know they did and then forward it on to the Congressional Investigative Committee.

Think they will?

I think.....................NO.


CU said giving blowjobs relieves PMS!!! I believe him and since I have a problem with PMS I think I should start finding a solution to this problem.........someone to give blowjobs to!

CoyoteUgly is wise. I learn stuff from him.

Yes..............I am still waiting for Al Sharpton and the REVEREND Jesse Jackson to answer my complaint and report of abuse. I sent them the same report I sent to Alberto Gonzales. I will send it to Imus next.............then it goes to other minority organizations who scream and cry about being dissed...............I could only wish the only thing that happened to me was being harassed and insulted. Libeled/disparaged. Hell no..............they couldn't stop at that.........they had to make me a criminal, I lost my life savings, had my constitutional rights violated, had death threats brought against me, my career was ruined, I had criminal acts committed/aided/abetted against me, I was gassed and I have good reason to believe my garage door cable was tampered with so my head would be severed from my body when it snapped and crashed down on my car.

Do you think Al or Jesse are going to answer my complaint??? This isn't reverse is racist discrimination by black people against a white woman. PERIOD. It is criminal activity committed by black people and white people against a white woman. My life was ruined. Do you think any of them give a shit??? NO...........they will spend night after night calling for Imus to be fired because he called a college basketball team nappy headed and not all of them have nappy heads!! There are white girls on the team.

Can you imagine the righteous indignation of eloisel and her nappy-headed bunch of HOES over at Ex-Isle if something remotely close happened to them??? Hypocritical BITCHES..............FUCK THEM. I would LOVE for them to face me...........they are COWARDS who sit around moaning about shit that happened to their ancestors decades ago. Then they have the nerve to say I am crazy.


You ilk has taken great pleasure in torturing me for the last three years. Tell everyone why??? What did I do to you??? Was it my ancestors who did something to you and I am paying the price??

Please...............enlighten us.

Count on it. is a new game I have been playing with all of you for a while but you haven't caught on yet. Who Is?...........

Who is the guy that lives across the street from me?? I have been a little curious about he and his pals...........they have a pool table in the garage and since I just learned how to play I thought about going over there and telling them a little about my pool-playing skillz!!
For example, when I played against Robert Layman I hit the white ball in the hole four times in one game. He told me that was a record!! I try to excel at everything I do.

He is cleaning up the dirty Mexican chick's ghetto yard this morning.


^that's me in the pic.............I have binoculars in my hand.

I''m like the JR Ewing/Gladys Kravitz of the hood.

You know what I have done so far.............tell me how my instincts rate in real life.

Jack, Dawn, NionInteractive, Jonathan, Mike, Robert Layman, various and sundry people in my church, the chick across the street, in back of me, Bling, San Francisco, the woman from Memphis who flew in on the corporate jet for a seminar here, Oklahoma.......saleswoman, Jewelry woman, my girls from Mass, D.C., Sin, Ft. Hood, RicoSuave.........buying for significant other and ex-wife..............

That is just a start..................rate my instincts.

Yo!! Wes, smooth-as-silk voice, satellite dish two doors down? Hummer........Perhaps Jonathan should rate my instincts since he appreciated my "gift".

Go Navy........the good guys! Pure Class. Jon told Dawnee he had never met a woman with instincts like me but she was too dumb to realize who he was talking about.

He was smart enough to take himself out of the game real FAST.

Darth.........a couple of people in your They have a clue. My contact I sought out ONCE. How am I doing so far?

Guy I met yesterday............I will come down your way soon. I am interested in what is going on down there. I am also interested in the two federal agents who have been wrongfully incarcerated. They are my next project. As soon as I can, I will help their families until I can get them out.

What happened to those two men is unimaginable.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
I emailed Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition, Al Sharpton and several other Negro Organizations with my report. I axed them to investigate my findings since several black people are involved in my investigation, I have identified at least two black people who are instrumental in trying to ruin me, one of them possibly behind the "gassing" and death threats I received. I told them to put their money where their mouths are. I am a white woman who was abused and ruined personally/professionally/financially by malicious black people.
I did not limit this to blacks since white people started this whole thing, black people jumped on it, Jews, Muslims, gays, Asians and everyone else. This was an equal opportunity collective malicious act.
No you didn't.