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The River


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I decided to watch it after all. It was good and creepy. I watched through my fingers sometimes. Sometimes it was a bit hokey.
I forgot about it for a half hour or so, so I only saw the hokey parts. Seemed kind of forced to me. Probably won't watch it again because for some reason that blonde douchebag in the lead really bugs me...
actually kinda reminds me of that guy, trying to be all hardass and not making it, quite. Near as I can tell he spent the whole episode whining about his dad and then when his mom got
sucked in by the ghost chick in the river he cried like a bitch. Also, he apparently pissed off the ghost girl by stealing his old teddy bear off a tree. Nice going, Poindexter. You couldn't just go buy another fucking bear?
The shaky camera annoys the fuck out of me. Never been a fan of that. Why I didn't like "Cloverfield".
And I didn't realize Jack Bauer's wife from the first couple seasons is in it. Never liked her.
Why wasn't whiney guy treated to a river ravishing? Why did his mother have to take his well deserved punishment? Was it a case of ageism?!
I dunno, like I said I missed half of it, but mostly it seemed like they just cobbled together a bunch of cheap scare scenes to make like there was a big mystery and never really achieved the suspense factor. Even the big scene with the teddy bear and the falling dolls was kinda flat, because it went exactly like I expected it to. No scary.

The whiny guy and his mom are searching for whiny guy's dad. The river took the mother because the ghost in the river wanted them to bring her her mother's bones.
Handy how they not only immediately figured that out, but also knew where the bones were buried, clearly labeled as "bones of the mom of the ghost chick in the river" and buried shallowly enough that they could easily reach them before the commercial break. How...conveeeeeeeeenient.

Not to mention the fact that generations of locals had enough time AND presence of mind to tie hundreds of dolls into the trees to appease the little ghostbitch, but nobody thought of chucking the mommy bones in the water before? Like I said,m the location of mommy bones was clearly marked and easy to find, maybe the gravestone said "do not disturb these to throw them in the river unless you are a skinny gringo chica and her whiny-ass boyfriend".

One final thought: the presence of hundreds of dolls would indicate that the ghost tart is enough of a problem that this isn't the first time she's stolen people etc. Hell the premise of the series is that Dad has already gone missing. And her legend is that she was a local girl. So IF we accept the premise that ghostgirl has been terrorizing the villagers for years, and IF we accept the premise that either none of her own people ever thought to beg for mercy or their pleas went unheeded IN her native language no less, then WHY would we assume that the whiny white guy, speaking in English and with no connection to her, would suddenly be convincing enough to talk her into spitting his mom out?

Implausible, improbable, and badly written. Fail.

Also, :rwmad:
Maybe the locals couldn't read the headstones, DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT YOU BIG MOFO? :rwmad:

The ghost girl wasn't a local, like from a tribe.. she was the daughter of a Spanish conquistador. They were amazed when they found the little cemetery, because the real locals didn't bury their dead like that. REMEMBER? Or is that when you started watching? I DON'T KNOW.