The Shit Has Officially Hit The Fan


New Member
Well, mom now knows. My sister told her this morning. She went MENTAL.
This is a copy of the conversation....Mem is my sister and the other is mum.

Mem says:
i need to talk to you anyway
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I'll let you know when I get to Portland
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
if she's not there, I'll decide what to do then
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
what about
Mem says:
mom, u know i love you
Mem says:
there was a problem while you were gone, I wouldnt let anyone tell u because you been looking forward to this trip ALL YEAR, u really needed the break
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
get to it
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I hate this beating around
Mem says:
you are gonna be mad at me, but mom, i had your best interest in mind when i had it kept from u
Mem says:
shaquille is gone
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
Mem says:
zoe attacked her and it was BAD
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
how did zoe get loose
Mem says:
i went and looked at her mom, it wasnt fixable
Mem says:
zoe wasnt loose
Mem says:
she was on her chain
Mem says:
i truly believe it was one of two situations, shaquille baited her
Mem says:
Mem says:
because it was soooo dark maybe zoe didnt notice her or was napping and was startled by her
Mem says:
it was super dark that evening
Mem says:
it wasnt THAT late, but there was no light
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I really wished lyou'd told me
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
so who had to put her down
Mem says:
mom u wouldnt have went to SC
Mem says:
and i didnt want u crying or being upset for your whole vacation
Mem says:
you really needed the break
Mem says:
Rance, toad was hysterical, but we made it seem like it was a wild animal got her and he bought that story
Mem says:
cuz of zoe's breeeding i didnt want a fuss
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
so in other words they just let shaquille out while zoe is in heat at dark and they got into it.
Mem says:
toad wanted to shoot her on the spot, but i convinced him not to, he panicked and i wnated u to decide and here my theories
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
he was upset because he knows I'm going to be pissed.... ljust another fucking thing to have to deal with when I get home
Mem says:
i dont know what was going on before and i know toad felt really bad cuz he said he shoulda put her up already
Mem says:
please mom, it just happened, and there was no way to help her or save her because of WHAT zoe did, most of it was just scratches
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
it doesn't make any difference about lyour theories.... zeb and zoe are supposed to be put away before dark and shaquille is never to go out unattended when zoe is in heat and not kenneled up.
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
just scratches???
Mem says:
zoe took a go at her back leg
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
fine, whatever, too late to do anything anyway.
Mem says:
and because of shaquilles age and her arthritis and probably brittle just broke
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
it's done
Mem says:
mom her leg was off, she'd have had to have itamputated but she was in shock already by the time i got there and she wouldnt have made it very much longer, she couldnt even recognize me
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
enough!!! I kjdon't need to know anything else besides my dog is dead because they couldn't just be fucking responsible
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I said I didn't want to come home to dead animals.... so of course they can't fucking do one fucking thing..... fuck
Mem says:
sorry i had already hit enter
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
it all
Mem says:
it was an accident mom
Mem says:
i know zoe shoulda been put away
Mem says:
but thats why i think she musta gotten startled
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
will you please stopo!!!
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I don't need all these fucking details!!!!
Mem says:
i said sorry i had already hit enter when your message came up
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I have to finish getting ready to go. was hoping to maybe catch kim, but I guess not.
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
I'll call you when I get to Portland and let you know what is up.
Mem says:
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke says:
you can tell the rest of my family, thank you for taking care of everything while I was gone
Mem says:
im really sorry mom, i just wanted u to have a good time

There ya go. Many of you didn't believe me when I told ya what she was like. Well here's the first glance. Lucky me!


GFHH Moderator

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Should be fun for you today, Mandi!

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
(But not really.)


New Member
yeah, I look just fucking happy right now. Someone just shoot me now and get it over with.


GFHH Moderator
who is zoe?? who is shaquille?? is this jillian pt deux??


New Member
Did you not read my Goodbye Thread DS? Obviously not, or you'd know. And no i'm not jillian

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
MirandaJo said:
yeah, I look just fucking happy right now. Someone just shoot me now and get it over with.

It sucks right now, but this, too, will pass.


New Member
2morrow will be great. If i'm not on for a long span of time, say like a week, prepare condolences. Cause i'll be dead, that's how pissed she is right now. Not sad, just straight pissed.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
She sounds positively lovely.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Burn it.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
She sounds like a right cunt.


New Member
sand it down, then restain in a dark colour.
Best of luck.