The TK Admin dances

"What a piece of work is an admin! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god!," sang the admin as he danced through the field of flowers, enjoying the sun set on the Kingdom and feeling as free as a ten-year old boy running naked through the countryside.

All was well.
all admins are nazis in my experience(no offense meant of course)
what makes TKs so diff?
all admins are nazis in my experience(no offense meant of course)
what makes TKs so diff?
They are on the other spectrum of 'bad'. Nazi admins hide their superiority behind a mask of enforcing cleanliness. TK admins hide their apathy behind a mask of not disturbing the rights of posters.

TK was/is supposed to be about virtually unmoderated freedom of speech. So instead of 'moderators,' every member of the staff is called an admin. Except it's not really a job. There are maybe 2 people max who do anything such as spoilering NSFW stuff and all the other stuff staff is supposed to do. It's purely a status symbol.

Would you believe there are seven of them?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I have to correct Messy on one small bit here.

He claims that being appointed an admin at TK is a status symbol. However, he also claims I'm an admin.

My status at TK has always been lower that whale shit on the ocean floor. So his argument is really fucked up.
I have to correct Messy on one small bit here.

He claims that being appointed an admin at TK is a status symbol. However, he also claims I'm an admin.

My status at TK has always been lower that whale shit on the ocean floor. So his argument is really fucked up.
It's a status symbol among other admins as well. Admins don't actually do anything but get to voice their opinions once in a while, behind a veneer of pretending theirs matter more than those of others despite doing next to nothing for the board (If not less than the average poster). It's subject to interpretation, definitely - let's consider you a case of being trustworthy in the eyes of the major admin shareholders of TK Inc.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
You are trusted by the TK Elite. I don't know what secrets you possess.

Sorry to spoil your visit, but my sleeping pill is kicking in. Have fun with the real Robby.

There is only one shareholder. And you know who She is.

I consider the hurt feelings of an admin counting as a veto towards any (non)decision undertaken a piece of the pie.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Last night I had a dream that one of my friends turned into a small elephant and we had to travel to some enclosed stadium so she could turn back into a person before the groups of flying things (they were like, huge bat things) could get her (because, apparently, elephant was a delicacy to them) and before night fell because then some other things would come out and kill us all.

What was my point of posting in this thread? Oh, right. TK has mods, along with admins.