The Universal Human Right to Breed.

Most industrialized nations (notably Germany and Japan) follow a pattern of reduced population growth, or even population Decline. In many cases the children as "only children" are given better health-care, attention, and education, and as a result perform better overall. In addition, better health care and nutrition by the mother during pregnancy usually results in a healthier, more developmentally favored baby. The USA would also follow this trend if not for it's liberal immigration policies.

On the other hand, many developing countries suffer from uncontrolled population growth. The horrors of war and ravages of disease and famine result in children who are handicapped (maybe not genetically, but from poor nutrition during development, lack of stimulation during childhood, lack of education in later childhood, physical and mental trauma from the environment, etc). And many of these handicapped children are produced. Enough to make life cheep, and "weaponizing" people a practical strategy.

China instituted the 1 child policy, and that has had mixed results, particularly in the field of the male/female imbalance (now at 120 young men for every 100 young women) due to societal preferences for males.

This is part of the imbalance between the industrialized and non-industrialized societies. In India, where both aspects live side by side, there is a widening gulf between the more wealthy, fewer children group vs. the poor and many children group.

Even in the USA, there is a marked tendency for the poor, and particularly the poor and un-educated, the breed like un-managed rabbits. The resulting offspring, with the rare and notable exception, are the least suited to be parents...and inevetably go on to have the most children.

While not strictly Eugenics, I think that the "universal human right" to breed is not healthy. One should prove that one has the resources to support a child before being allowed to have one. That's enough to feed, clothe, educate and have enough spare time to pay attention to a child during it's developing years (or provide child-care to give an equivalent amount of supervision). Long term, I think this would get the entire world onto the 1-2 children track, leading to an overall human population reduction in 100 years or so...allowing for a sustainable use of this planet (and a MUCH healthier human population). to enforce it?
And they'd have to by force. Because while you may think breeding should be managed, people are going to fuck.
Messenger said:
We can't at the moment. And only a world government would be able to enforce it.

Actually, I disagree. A world government is a catastrophe for human rights both through lack of ability to beneficially manage local affairs and more than likely a general indifference in trying. A world government is the ultimate embodiment of personal power for the elite individuals who would be granted positions within it. The ultimate pyramid scheme realized.

But, as distant as local affairs would be in the concerns of world government officials, the concerns of that hypothetical world government stand some chance of being equally remote to local governments.
The Question said:
Actually, I disagree. A world government is a catastrophe for human rights both through lack of ability to beneficially manage local affairs and more than likely a general indifference in trying. A world government is the ultimate embodiment of personal power for the elite individuals who would be granted positions within it. The ultimate pyramid scheme realized.
But, as distant as local affairs would be in the concerns of world government officials, the concerns of that hypothetical world government stand some chance of being equally remote to local governments.
OK, but what does this have to do with enforcing world-wide birth-control? I don't agree with the idea of a world government. I'm just saying that birth-control on such a scale would require a world government to enforce it.
Messenger said:
OK, but what does this have to do with enforcing world-wide birth-control? I don't agree with the idea of a world government. I'm just saying that birth-control on such a scale would require a world government to enforce it.

Well, what I'm getting at is, I don't think even a world government could enforce mandatory birth control. In the end, the only thing that's gonna curb human growth is natural factors. As a species, we look to be just too damn stupid to stop. Fortunately, Nature has plenty of population growth inhibitors, such as resource depletion, pandemic, famine, inbreeding-related genetic anomalies and t3h ghey.
China manages to enforce it. It would have to be nothing more than a coalition of governments like China, worldwide.

It would have to be a non-Democratic (or non-Republic) form of government, however, due to the larger number of voters in the "not preferred" category who would most likely have the harshest restrictions on them.

Somehow a "Benign Despotism" doesn't have a very sustainable ring to it.
the thought of a world gubermint is the scariest thing! I would rather face a hitler every generation! You think that was bad? Wait till you see what the bureaucratic mass death a World gubermint will cause! One needs to look no further than Katrina to figure out what putting all your eggs into ONE BASKET with get you!

I will have to completely agree with TQ on this one! A world gubermint is just more power for a select and wealthy rich class of people! I would generally think people are against slavery! Not for it!
People contributing to the problem, either population growth, or passing on crappy genes needs to be snipped.

A friend of mine had a brilliant idea, Legalize gambling and all drugs.
Anyone who gets into it over their head can have more money to gamble or more drugs to do on the condition that they get snipped.
^ Or trade access to alcahol and drugs for "norplant" or some other long-term female contraceptive.

It's a sad fact that people into the drug lifestyle tend to live shorter lives...if we can keep them from breeding for 5-7 years, it's likely they'll expire before reproducing.