Forever Empress E
Right Axis wins with +19 points
What's Left Axis loses with -15 points
And what did this little experiment prove?
1) Some trolls are pussies. They will only troll children, people they presume are weak, and people who have imposed a strict code of civility on themselves to the point they can not fight back - like shooting fish in a barrell. Pussies.
2) The President planned a shock and awe campaign at the outset of the invasion of Iraq. It fell a bit short. Perhaps Messenger understands what kind of pressure is on a person to do something big and then not be able to live up to the expectation.
3) It isn't much of a war if most people only sit around and watch but don't engage.
4) It helps if your opponent knows that if they beat you Jack gets to fuck them in the neck. Takes away all incentive for winning. (Jack you are awesome!)
5) Queen Noodle/RuReddy is awesome! A true troll to count on to have your back.
6) All wars should be fought by TKers. It would be a much more peaceful world.
Right Axis wins with +19 points
What's Left Axis loses with -15 points
And what did this little experiment prove?
1) Some trolls are pussies. They will only troll children, people they presume are weak, and people who have imposed a strict code of civility on themselves to the point they can not fight back - like shooting fish in a barrell. Pussies.
2) The President planned a shock and awe campaign at the outset of the invasion of Iraq. It fell a bit short. Perhaps Messenger understands what kind of pressure is on a person to do something big and then not be able to live up to the expectation.
3) It isn't much of a war if most people only sit around and watch but don't engage.
4) It helps if your opponent knows that if they beat you Jack gets to fuck them in the neck. Takes away all incentive for winning. (Jack you are awesome!)
5) Queen Noodle/RuReddy is awesome! A true troll to count on to have your back.
6) All wars should be fought by TKers. It would be a much more peaceful world.