It was kind of cool to have Wolverine without his regenerative power, even though he took a lot of bullets that would kill a normal person, he still has the admantium on his bones, so as long as people are just shooting him where he has bones he is ok, although feeling the pain a lot more than we are used to, of course he gets it back near the end, by cutting his own heart out, how hardcore is that? Still even after that when they were threatening to cut off his claws part of me thought there is no way they would do that, but they totally went there. Of course anyone who knows Wolverine would know his bone claws would grow back, but even so, his adamantium claws are not given back to him, even though the post credits scene is a full two years later. I guess Magneto could help him out if he was that way inclined by taking some of the admantium from the rest of his body. But hopefully the bone claws will still be in place in the events of Days of futures past.
We already know Wolverine is in it, but which one? He is the only person who would look the same in both time zones.
Wouldn't surprise me if they had both of them, and they end up fighting.