Troll Kingdom

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The Woman Who Made all the Phone Calls


New member
all the harassing phone calls to my ex, my home, my workplace.........impersonating an ER nurse. Eric and Dana know her.

*Jillian smirks*
^she was on this board, I don't know the identities of anyone since 8/4/05. Don't worry about her, she shall be dealt with. Along with the fat fuck who with his wife's help had me falsely arrested.

When I walked out of the courtroom that day and that twisted piece of shit gave me an evil grin..............I vowed to myself I would take he and his clan down. Because of him, others will be implicated so they can give all the credit to Eric, Brian and Dana.
Messenger said:
Anyone we should be concerned about?

This thought just occured to guys don't have a clue about TQ do you?? Perhaps you should do a little research, this BOY is going down and he is going to take a few with him. When this comes out he is going to be an embarassment to say the least.
Messenger said:
Anyone we should be concerned about?

Ask DarthSikle for the link I gave him when I reamed him a new one a couple of months ago for being a bastard when I thought he was Black Feathers. I was so mad after everything went down I wouldn't talk to him. Then I found out he wasn't using the name Black Feathers. Check it know me, where I live. Some of your boys.........they should be axing me questions, but they chose to stick their heads waaaaaay far up their bungholes. I have a lot of compelling information. I also know The Question wants this to go away.

It isn't going away.
The Question said:
^^You're a professional-grade delusional cocksocket, aint'cha?

I have the private message TQ. You guys worked fast...........I will give you that. You also had to know EVERYTHING about me, about my life, who is in it, who my neighbors/co-workers/family are, how I might have the information. You did your homework when it came to me..........I guess that is how a criminal record was so easily created on your government compooters.
Sarek said:

I ain't going nowhere you gun-toting, morbidly obese, former Ranger. This fucking sheriff's dept is dirty............there are some dirty boys over there. They couldn't "find" Eric to serve him. What a fucking didn't take us long to nail down where he is.

You want to get a job done.............get someone in the private sector to do it.
Thing is............I told my lawyer to gather the jury together for this other story. Then we will round up all of you. I have complete faith in a jury once they hear this whole case.
Sarek said:

You want her to go away, yet you come ALL THE WAY TO DAYCARE in order to tell her this. How very odd. Has she affected you as badly as she has affected THE QUESTION? What is this hold FBI007 has over the both of you? I sift through the threads and see you and THE QUESTION flipping out over FBI007 - completely and utterly losing your self-control. Am I missing something here?

FBI007? I am almost impressed!!! You can actually drag the two dumbfucks - THE QUESTION and SAREK - all the way into DAYCARE and do it without ever leaving your cell? Damn. I was certain that only I, the great SAINTLUCIFER, was capable of doing that. Although you remain in the minor leagues (I have dragged the both of them ALL OVER THE SITE and did it whilst they were on IGNORE too) in comparison to myself, there is time for improvement.
SaintLucifer said:
You want her to go away, yet you come ALL THE WAY TO DAYCARE in order to tell her this. How very odd. Has she affected you as badly as she has affected THE QUESTION? What is this hold FBI007 has over the both of you? I sift through the threads and see you and THE QUESTION flipping out over FBI007 - completely and utterly losing your self-control. Am I missing something here?

Well, among the other things you're missing -- friends, a visual resemblance to a human being, a life -- you obviously missed the sign up top there. Troll Kingdom. Extreme behavior doesn't denote a lack of control -- except possibly in the eyes of the simple. Hello, Simple.
The Question said:
Well, among the other things you're missing -- friends, a visual resemblance to a human being, a life -- you obviously missed the sign up top there. Troll Kingdom. Extreme behavior doesn't denote a lack of control -- except possibly in the eyes of the simple. Hello, Simple.

Ah. There we go. Friends? I have no 'internet' friends. Only those out there in the 'real' world unlike yourself. You are here far, far more than I therefore it begs the question - which one of us truly experiences the real world? You or I? Logic would assume that would be me simply due to the mere fact you are ALWAYS here.

Actually you are correct. I do not resemble a human being. 'Tis very true. What I DO resemble is GOD! Better yet, I AM GOD!! Everyone on this site knows it too (why have you come to DAYCARE to respond to my post? Simple, I MADE you come here bitch).

The 'extreme behaviour' you mention would be that of a child who has so become angered by the ridiculous antics of one FBI007 that he felt a need to spam DAYCARE of all places with posts that include oversized characters telling her to leave. This begs the question, IF YOU WISH HER TO LEAVE YET SHE HAS BEEN BANNED TO DAYCARE AND THEREFORE CANNOT MOVE OUTSIDE OF THIS FORUM, WHY DO YOU RESPOND TO HER POSTS? SIMPLY IGNORE HER. Your very presence here contradicts any notion you wish for her to leave and that you fail to give a flying shit about her. Remember, FBI007 and I have been banned to this forum therefore we cannot move about all of TROLL KINGDOM as you are free to do. Due to such, why do you feel it necessary to come to DAYCARE and respond to the very two people you deem 'unworthy' of TROLL KINGDOM? If you truly felt this way, I would not be making this post to THE QUESTION. Yet you are here. Why? You dear child are a walking contradiction.