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There Are Criminals on This Board


New member
They are employed by the United States government. They have committed numerous criminal acts on this board and to make matters worse........the have stolen $250,000 from a federal program.

They like to tell people they "uphold" the law.
I am trying, but the agencies they work for aren't taking this as seriously as they should.
They will once the trial commences. They will be named.
The approval rating for the current government administration is at an all time high of 33%

The people are going to take back their government. They are only going to take this shit so long and they are going to rise and put these boys back in their place.
Shatna said:
Oh god do you think they are thieving of us all at THIS VERY MOMENT Jillian?!?

Yes Shatna........I do. Not only that, they are using their government compooters to commit illegal acts. One of them created a criminal Burglary charge on me.

Private Citizens of the U.S. must unite to fight the corruption/crimes that stupid government employees always get caught doing. Remember.........stay several steps ahead of them, act dumb, troll them.