There are unconfirmed reports that Liz Sladen is dead


Boobie inspector
Its not hit the regular news yet, but Nicola Bryant is saying on twitter she heard it over the phone.

So who knows, with the new series only half way through I guess the second half could turn into the Peri Brown adventures.


I want to smell dark matter
You could maybe wait five minutes to start making jokes.

It's been reported by the BBC now so it's pretty definite.


Is this real life?
Really sad about this. She was the same age as my mum and always seemed really youthful and full of life for someone who's actually old enough to get a free bus pass. I can't find any info on how she died, but I hope it was as peaceful as possible. Early 60s is way too young to die nowadays. :(


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Just saw it on FB via Very sad. And Fuddle, I was thinking the same thing since she's also the same age as my mama.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Ohh, she was Sarah Jane? :(

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
It was cancer. I guess she had been battling it for awhile. I haven't been able to find out what kind, though.



Is this real life?
That might be amusing in some other thread, but your attempts to 'lighten the mood' are just offensive imo. Please stop doing that.


Boobie inspector
I'm just curious why anyone would want to know what particular type of cancer she had.


Boobie inspector
Tom Baker had a nice thing to say, so I'll quote that.

Sarah Jane dead? No, impossible! Impossible. Only last week I agreed to do six new audio adventures with her for Big Finish Productions.

She can't be dead. But she is: she died yesterday morning. Cancer. I had no idea she was ill; she was so private, never wanted any fuss, and now, gone. A terrible blow to her friends and a shattering blow for all those fans of the programme whose lives were touched every Saturday evening by her lovely heroic character, Sarah-Jane Smith.

Lis Sladen was very important to me, you know. When I joined the little world of Doctor Who, Lis was already a star. She had an enormous success with Jon Pertwee. She was good pals with the Brigadier, our beloved Nicholas Courtney; she knew all the regular directors. She was adored by Barry Letts, the producer who cast her in the role. She always said she was Barry's girl. It was for that reason she decided to leave the show. But it was not necessary at all. The fans adored her, Philip Hinchcliffe, our new and glamorous producer, adored her, so did David Maloney, her favourite director.

Terry Walsh, the regular stunt man adored her. Once in deep, dark Wooky Hole caves Lis was almost swept away in a small boat, fifty feet from a terrifying black hole that looked like the entrance to hell. In a flash Terry Walsh dived in and caught the boat and all was well, thanks to the devotion of Terry. Lis was safe and and the show could go on.

So when I replaced Jon Pertwee, it must have been an anxious time for Lis; it was a very anxious time for me. Following in the big footsteps of Jon was daunting. Tom Baker? Never heard of him. And so we started on the first story under Barry Letts as director. We did the location stuff first and I just obeyed orders; running about, with the Brigadier and that silly car Bessie Trotwood, I think it was called: too small for me, but also in its own way a "character". Jon loved cars.

But back in the rehearsal room things were quieter and there was time to put in little details, time for Lis and me to get acquainted, time for me to try and make a little mark, so to speak. And Lis laughed at my silly antics; yes, she did, she laughed me to success. We both came from Liverpool, that small detail helped. We both loved old movies. And quite suddenly Lis and Ian Marter and Tom Baker were a trio. It is so consoling when one is sad and bereft to remember the good times, the laughter, the glamour; yes, the glamour: we three switched on the lights at Blackpool! A very great honour. We performed a little melodrama directed by (guess who?) yes, David Maloney! And now Lis was adored by Ian Marter and Tom Baker too.

And it never ceased. And in the evenings Lis, would simply disappear back to wherever we were staying and the rest of us would often be raucous! And too soon she decided to leave; no fuss at all, all was calm. And Philip Hinchcliffe gave her lovely farewell party at the Hilton. Those sweet memories of happy days with Lis Sladen, the lovely, witty, kind and so talented Lis Sladen. I am consoled by the memories. I was there, I knew her, she was good to me and I shall always be grateful, and I shall miss her.


I want to smell dark matter
I assume Saturday's episode will have some kind of dedication.


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Stunned. That's the first word that comes to mind. I literally got choked up reading Tom Baker's statement. As a child of the 80's, the first and only Doctor I watched was Tom Baker, in reruns on PBS. The Doctor and Sarah Jane and K-9 were a big part of my childhood. She will be terribly missed. I hope she didn't suffer, and is now in a better place.